Vassula's main meetings worldwide
Principales réunions données par Vassula dans le monde entier
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Updated :       2023-10-28 15:02
Association La Vraie Vie en Dieu - Suisse

Schweitz / Suisse / Svizzera / Svitzra / Switzerland   France   Italia   United Kingdom   Eire (Ireland)   Canada   USA   Belgique - Belgium   Philippines   Mexico   Deutschland (Germany)   Hellas (Greece)   Portugal   Russia   Japan
Australia   Haïti   Israel   Palestine   Sverige (Sweden)   Danmark   Nederland (Holland)   Zambia   Malawi   Zimbabwe   South Africa   Brasil   Ecuador   Colombia   Polska (Poland)   Romania   Peru   Chile
Argentina   España   Magyar (Hungary)   Hrvatska (Croatia)   Bosna i Hercegovina   Bangladesh   Indonesia   Österreich (Austria)   Panama   Norge (Norway)   Uruguay   Egypt   India   Thailand   Papua New Guinea   Slovenija   UNO - ONU   Venezuela   Kenya   Lesotho   New Zealand
Liban - Lebanon   Benin   Jordan   Swaziland   Singapore   Ceska Republika   Sri Lanka (Ceylon)   Cambodia   Taiwan   China   Armenia   Paraguay   Island (Iceland)   Vatican   Føroyar (Faroe Islands)   Pakistan   Syria   Türkiye (Turkey)   Nepal   Republica Dominicana   Cyprus   Slovakia   Uganda   Finland   Latvia   Burundi   Solomon Islands   République Démocratique du Congo   Luxembourg   Viet Nam   Groenland

    Number of countries :    85     Number of meetings : 1167

1988   1989   1990   1991   1992   1993   1994   1995   1996   1997   1998   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003   2004   2005   2006   2007   2008   2009   2010   2011   2012   2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   2018   2019   2020   2021   2022   2023   2024   -   Messages


Monday/Lunedì 06.11.2023 18:00 ITALIA Roma - Presentazione del libro di Vassula "Il paradiso essite ma anche l'inferno" - Caffè Letterario Horafelix, Via Reggio Emilia 89, Roma
22 - 28.09.2023 EGYPT Cairo and Sinai - International Inter-religious Pilgrimage of True Life in God on the steps of the Saint Family
Saturday 22.04 and Sunday 23.04.2023 10:00-17:00 SWITZERLAND  Dietikon - Stadthalle Dietikon, Fondlistrasse 15, CH-8953 Dietikon, Kanton Zürich 47°24'25''N 8°23'14''E (= 47.407, 8.387) - Attendance: 700 persons
02 - 07.02.2023 GREECE Grece True Life in God Retreat in Meteora, Kalambaka hotel, Greece
22.11.2022 GREECE Grece Athens True Life in God 2022 Retreat - Volume II book presentation in IANOS Bookstore, Greece
03 - 08.11.2022 GREECE Grece Island of Aegina - True Life in God 2022 Retreat - Island of Aegina, Greece
24.09 - 01.10.2022 GREECE Grece Rhodos - True Life in God 2022 Retreat - Virginia Family Resort, Kalami Beach, Kallithea, Reni, Koskinou 851 00 Rhodes, Greece
10.01 - 15.01.2020 ISRAEL IsraelPalestine True Life in God retreat in the Holy Land for priests
26.10 - 03.11.2019 GREECE Grece Αθήνα - Athens - 12th True Life in God International Ecumenical Pilgrimage and Symposium - Greece 2019 - Golden Coast Hotel, Paralia Marathonos, 19007 Attica, Greece
Saturday 11.05.2019 13:00 SWITZERLAND  Basel/Bâle/Basilea/Basle - Catholic church St Antonius, Kannenfeldstrasse 35, 4056 Basel - témoignage en français avec traduction simultanée en allemand - Approx. 600 personnes
Saturday 06.04.2019 14:30 IRELAND Dublin, Crowne Plaza Conference Centre, Blanchardstown, Dublin - Approx 450 people
Sunday 24.03.2019 12:00 MEXICO Mexico Mexico - Public conference by Vassula - Auditorium Expo Reforma, salon Gran Insurgentes, Avenida Morelos 67, colonia Juarez, 06600 Ciudad de Mexico
Friday 22.03.2019 16:00 MEXICO Mexico Metepec - TV interview of Vassula by Roberto O´Farrill, TV Azteca, programa "El pulso de la Fe"
Friday 22.03.2019 16:00 MEXICO Mexico Metepec - TV interview of Vassula by Roberto O´Farrill, Catholic TV channel Canal 40, programa "El pulso de la Fe"
Thursday 21.03.2019 16:00 MEXICO Mexico Mexico - Press conference by Vassula in Hotel Barceló
Thursday 20.03.2019 18:00 MEXICO Mexico Mexico - Radio interview of Vassula in Hotel Barceló, by radio channel CANAL-MVS
Wednesday 20.03.2019 18:00 MEXICO Mexico Mexico - TV interview of Vassula in Hotel Barceló, by "Radioformula", programa "Todo para la mujer"
19-24.03.2019 18:00 MEXICO Mexico México - Retiro espiritual de La Verdadera Vida en Dios "El Espíritu Santo y el segundo Pentecostés" - Hotel Barceló, Paseo de la Reforma 1, colonia Tabacalera 06030 Ciudad de México
Saturday 23.02.2019 BANGLADESH Dhaka - Dharmarajika Buddhist Monastery, Atisha Dipankar Sarak, Basabo, Sabujbag, ঢাকা 1214, Dhaka - Vassula awarded with the Peace Gold Medal Award by Bangladesh State Minister Mr Dr Muhammad Tazul Islam
Thursday 21.02.2011 BANGLADESH Kulun - Visited the Village and the TLIG School
24-28.01.2019 GREECE Grece Aegina Island - Danae Hotel - retreat on theme "The Unity"
Saturday 24.11.2018 15:30 FRANCE France Paris - Crypte Sainte Jeanne d’Arc, 54 rue de Torcy, 75018 Paris, 15h30 - 18h00 Table ronde interreligieuse
Saturday 24.11.2018 14:00 FRANCE France Paris - Crypte Sainte Jeanne d’Arc, 54 rue de Torcy, 75018 Paris, 14h00 - 15h30 Témoignage
Sunday 15.02.2018 14:30 BELGIUM Belgique - Belgium Banneux - Banneux Notre-Dame, Sanctuaire de la Vierge des Pauvres, 57 Rue de l'Esplanade, B-4141 Banneux  
Sunday 27.05.2018 17:00 GERMANY Munich - Hofbräukeller Munich, 1st floor banquet hall, Innere Wiener Straße 19, 08667 Munich, Vassula addresses to approx. 300 persons
Saturday 26.05.2018 17:00 GERMANY Berlin - Novotel Hotel Conference Hall - Vassula’s witnessing to 350 people
Saturday 19.05.2018 15:00 ARMENIA
Monday 07.05.2018 19:00 GREECE Grece Athens - Bookstore IANOS, Stadiou 24, Athina - Presentation of Vassula's book ΥΠΑΡΧΕΙ Ο ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΣΟΣ, ΑΛΛΑ ΥΠΑΡΧΕΙ ΚΑΙ Η ΚΟΛΑΣΗ (HEAVEN IS REAL, BUT SO IS HELL)
02-07.05.2018 GREECE Grece Nea Makri - Nireus Hotel – Retreat Saint Efraim (Our Mother, Queen of Heaven)
Monday 16.04.2018 15:30 LEBANON Beyrouth - Sheikh Iyad Garden - Vassula’s 30 min witnessing speech to 25-30 people majority Sunnite
Sunday 15.04.2018 19:00 LEBANON Beyrouth - Armenian Catholic Church Hall - Conference at Bishop Yagagian; Vassula’ s speech for 1 hour ; most of invited people: Christians from different denomination
Saturday 14.04.2018 18:00 LEBANON Beyrouth - Municipal Palace hall / the Environmental Committe Hall - Ceremony for honoring Vassula + Vassula’ s speech for 20 minutes. Audience: Muslims and some Christians
Friday 13.04.2018 16:30 LEBANON Beyrouth - Interview on «Télé Lumière» with Lea Meameri
Wednesday 11.04.2018 19:00 CYPRUS Cyprus Nicosia - Journalist's House -, Presentation of Vassula's book ΥΠΑΡΧΕΙ Ο ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΣΟΣ, ΑΛΛΑ ΥΠΑΡΧΕΙ ΚΑΙ Η ΚΟΛΑΣΗ (HEAVEN IS REAL, BUT SO IS HELL)
Tuesday 10.04.2018 16:00 CYPRUS CyprusNicosia, one-hour TV interview at RIK radio (National Radio) with Akis Hadjiosif
Saturday 31.03.2018 GREECE Grece Rhodos - Bookstore Karavaki - Presentation of Vassula's book ΥΠΑΡΧΕΙ Ο ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΣΟΣ, ΑΛΛΑ ΥΠΑΡΧΕΙ ΚΑΙ Η ΚΟΛΑΣΗ (HEAVEN IS REAL, BUT SO IS HELL)
Sunday 18.02.2018 19:00 DANMARK København - Københavns Kulturcenter, Drejervej 15, 2400 København NV
Wednesday 07.02.2018 FRANCE France Paris - TV interview by the Moslim TV Oumma TV, Paris Video - Part One + Video - Part Two
19-22.01.2018 GREECE Grece Aegina Island - Danae Hotel - retreat on theme "The Divine Union with God"
From Saturday 02 to Sunday 10.09.2017 RUSSIA Москва - Moscow, True Life in God 11th international ecumenical pilgrimage "How to bridge our divisions and bring peace to the world" - Izmailovo VEGA (k.3B) & BETA (k.2B) hotels, 71 Izmailovskoe shosse, Moscow 105613
Thursday 15.06.2017 19:00-20:30 SWEDEN Sverige Södertälje - Södertälje Stadshus, Estrad, Campusgatan 26, 15132 Södertälje
Tuesday 13.06.2017 17:00-20:00 FINLAND Finland Helsinki - Hotel Lilla Roberts, Pieni Roobertinkatu 1-3, 00130 Helsinki
Saturday 10.06.2017 18:00-20:30 NORWAY Norge Oslo - Litteraturhuset, Wergelandsveien 29, 0167 Oslo
Thursday 08.06.2017 19:00 GROENLAND   Danmark Nuuk - Nuup Katersortarfia / Nuuk Community Hall, Aqqusinersuaq, 3900 Nuuk
Tuesday 06.06.2017 19:30 ISLAND Reykjavík - Háteigskirkja, Háteigsvegur 27-29, 105 Reykjavík
Sunday 04.06.2017 19:00 FAROE ISLANDS Tórshavn, Vesturkirkjan Lutheran church, Landavegur 44, Tórshavn
Friday 02.06.2017 19:00 DANMARK København - Københavns Kulturcenter, Drejervej 15, 2400 København NV
Tuesday/Martedì 23.05.2017 20:00 ITALIA Lecce - Teatro Kolbe, Via Pistoia 3, I-73100 Lecce
Sunday/Domenica 21.05.2017 18:00 ITALIA Bari - Palace Hotel, Via Francesco Lombardi 13, I-70122 Bari
Wednesday/Mercoledì 17.05.2017 16:00 ITALIA Napoli - Centro di Cultura Domus Ars, Via Santa Chiara 10c, I-80134 Napoli
Saturday/Sabato 13.05.2017 17:00 ITALIA Roma - Centro Russia Ecumenica, Borgo Pio 141, (zona San Pietro), I-00193 Roma
Friday/Venerdì 12.05.2017 20:00 ITALIA Vimercate (MB) - Sala “Cascina”, La Lodovica, Via Lodovica 5, I-20871 Vimercate (MB)
Tuesday/Martedì 09.05.2017 20:00 ITALIA Sesto Fiorentino (FI) - Sala “Porta Romana”, The Gate Hotel, Area di Servizio Firenze Nord - Snodo Autostradale A1-A11, I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
Sunday/Domenica 07.05.2017 16:00 ITALIA Treviso - Sala “Tiepolo”, Hotel Ca’ del Galletto, Via Santa Bona Vecchia, I-31100 Treviso
Saturday/Sabato 06.05.2017 20:00 ITALIA Trieste - Sala “Primo Rovis”, Società Ginnastica Triestina, Via Ginnastica 47, I-34100 Trieste
Thursday/Giovedì 04.05.2017 20:00 ITALIA Udine - Sala “Ajace”, Loggia del Lionello, Piazza della Libertà, I-33100 Udine
Wednesday/Mercoledì 03.05.2017 20:00 ITALIA Cordenons (PN) - Sala Consiliare “De Benedet”, Centro Culturale Aldo Moro, Via Traversagna 4, I-33084 Cordenons (PN)
Sunday 23.04.20176 GREECE Grece Athens
Thursday 20.04.2017 ESPAÑA España Murcia
Wednesday 19.04.2017 ESPAÑA España Valencia
Saturday 25.03.2017 PHILIPPINES Philippines Cagayán de Oro - Ecumenical Conference at the SCJ Formation House in Aluba, Macasindig
Friday 24.03.2017 PHILIPPINES Philippines Cagayán de Oro - Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church in Carmen
Monday 20.03.2017 AUSTRALIA Australia Sydney - Orion Centre in Campsie
Friday 17.03.2017 AUSTRALIA Australia Melbourne - TLIG Australia Annual Retreat at Mantra Bell City Hotel
Tuesday 14.03.2017 VIET NAM Saigon - Ecumenical Conference at the Pastoral Center of the Diocese of Saigon
Sunday 12.03.2017 VIET NAM Saigon - Convent of the Missionaries of Christ's Charity
Saturday 11.03.2017 VIET NAM Saigon - Convent of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary
Tuesday 07.03.2017 CHINA Guangzhou - Clarion Star Hotel auditorium
Sunday 05.03.2017 CHINA Tangshan - Tangshan Cathedral
Friday 03.03.2017 CHINA Beijing - National Seminary of the Catholic Church
Wednesday 01.03.2017 CHINA Beijing - Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church (West church)
Sunday 19.02.2017 LEBANON Harissa
Saturday 18.02.2017 LEBANON Beyrouth
Thursday 16.02.2017 SYRIA Aleppo
Wednesday 15.02.2017 SYRIA Homs
Tuesday 14.02.2017 SYRIA Damas
Saturday 11.02.2017 LEBANON Television nterview by Noursat / Télé Lumière
Tuesday 05.01.2017 16:00 FRANCE France Paris - Manoir de Gressy (near to Roissy-Charles de Gaulle Airport) - Inter-Religious Gathering filmed by the Lebanese Christian Television Noursat / Télé Lumière
Monday 12.12.2016 12:00 LEBANON Bsalim - Christian - Moslim Inter-religious meeting, gathering leaders of the major faiths in Lebanon, filmed by TV (Noursat / Télé Lumière)
Sunday 11.12.2016 18:00 LEBANON Bkenaya - Witnessing at Al Rabita Bkenaya hall, église Sainte Takla de Bkenaya
Sunday 11.12.2016 08:00 LEBANON Bkerké - Audience in the Patriarchal See of the Maronite Catholic Church of the Antiochian Tradition with His Eminence Cardinal Béchara Boutros Raï, the Patriarch of Antioche
Saturday 10.12.2016 16:00 LEBANON Beirut - book signing session at the Dar-Saer-Al-Mashrek's booth in the "Beirut 60th international Arab book fair " held at Biel (Beirut)
Saturday 10.12.2016 09:45 LEBANON Naccache - TV interview on MTV Liban, programme matinal MTV Alive
Friday 09.12.2016 18:00 LEBANON Bkenaya - Beth Myriam Christmas party at Al Rabita Bkenaya hall, église Sainte Takla de Bkenaya, event filmed by TV (Noursat / Télé Lumière)
01.10.2016 - 08.10.2016 BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA Bosna i Hercegovina Medjugorje, pilgrimage with Maranatha-Conversion International Ecumenical Movement.       video 
Monday/Lunedì 23.05.2016 16:00 ITALIA Napoli - Grand Hotel Santa Lucia, Via Partenope 46,   I-80121 Napoli
Saturday/Sabato 21.05.2016 16:00 ITALIA Cordenons (Pordenone, Friuli-Venezia Giulia) Auditorium Brascuglia, Centro Culturale Aldo Moro, Via Traversagna 4,  I-33084 Cordenons (PN)
From 06.05.2016 to 09.05.2016 GREECE Grece Loutráki (Corinth), True Life in God four-day retreat on «The Mercy of God», Hotel Poseidon Resort, Loutráki, 20300 Korinthias - 250 pilgrims of several Christian denominations, from 34 countries, including 12 priests and clergymen
Sunday 01.05.2016 14:00 LATVIA Latvia Riga, Old Town’s Concert Hall
Tuesday 05.04.2016 19:15 SOUTH AFRICA Cape Town - Milnerton High School, Pienaar Road, Milnerton, Cape Town, 7441
Monday 04.04.2016 13:30 SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg - Our Lady of Lebanon Catholic Maronite Church, 8 Blougom Crescent, Liefde en Vrede, Mulbarton, Johannesburg, South Africa
Saturday 02.04.2016 13:30 SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg - St Martin de Porres Catholic Church, 35 Lancaster Avenue, Craighall Park 2196, Johannesburg, South Africa
Sunday 20.03.2016 10:00 SINGAPORE
Singapore, St Joseph Catholic Church, 143 Victoria Street, Singapore
Friday 18.03.2016 14:00 INDONESIA Jakarta - Sasana Prakarti Hall, Jl. Duren Tiga, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta
Wednesday 16.03.2016 14:00 PHILIPPINES Philippines Manila - Jansen Hall - recollection for TLIG Prayer Groups of all Philippines
Wednesday 16.03.2016 10:00 PHILIPPINES Philippines Manila - Vassula meets Mgr Rodolfo Fontiveros Beltran DD, Bishop of San Fernando de La Union, Philippines
Tuesday 15.03.2016 16:00 PHILIPPINES Philippines Manila - Church San Vincente de Paul, 959 San Marcelino st. Ermita, Manila
Monday 14.03.2016 09:45 PHILIPPINES Philippines Manila - Vassula's interview by Philippines State Television channel PTV-4
Fiday and Saturday 11-12.03.2016 14:00 JAPAN Japan Fukuoka - two-day TLIG retreat in the Daimyomachi Catholic Church, 2-7-7 Daimyo, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka 810-0041, Fukuoka Prefecture
Thursday 19.11.2015 14:00 U.K. Kingston (London) - All Saints Church, Market Place, Kingston upon Thames KT1 1JP, England
From 11.10.2015 to 16.10.2015 ITALIA ROMA - 10th TRUE LIFE IN GOD Ecumenical Pilgrimage - Ergife Congress Center, via Aurelia 619, 00165 Roma - 750 pilgrims of 15 Christian denominations, from 63 countries, with 112 clergymen including 23 Bishops & Archbishops
Thursday 21.05.2015 14:00 D.R. OF CONGO République Démocratique du Congo Kinshasa, Stade Tata Raphaël, Kinshasa, Congo       video     video
Tuesday 19.05.2015 14:00 D.R. OF CONGO République Démocratique du Congo Kikwit, Esplanade de la Cathédrale de Kikwit, Congo   video     video
Saturday 16.05.2015 14:00 D.R. OF CONGO République Démocratique du Congo Lubumbashi, Stade T. P. Mazembe, Lubumbashi, Katanga, Congo   video     video
Tuesday 17.02.2015 19:30 FRANCE France Saumur, Parc Saumur-Events - Avenue du Breil, 49400 Saumur - témoignage en français        video 
Sunday 15.02.2015 14:30 BELGIUM Belgique - Belgium Bruxelles, Théâtre Saint-Michel, rue Père Eudore Devroye 2, 1040 Bruxelles - témoignage en français, traduit en néerlandais        video 
Saturday 14.02.2015 14:30 LUXEMBOURG Luxembourg Luxembourg, Salle Marie-Thérèse, Hôtel du Parc Belle-Vue, 5 avenue Marie-Thérèse, 2132 Luxembourg - témoignage en français, traduit en allemand
Thursday 12.02.2015 19:30 SWITZERLAND  Lausanne, Palais de Beaulieu, avenue des Bergières 10, 1004 Lausanne - témoignage en français avec traduction simultanée en allemand        video 
Monday 03.11.2014 15:00 JAPAN Japan Yonago Tottori, Fukushi Hoken Center 1F Assembly Hall, Nishiki-sho 1-139-3, Yonago-shi, Tottori
Sunday 02.11.2014 14:00 JAPAN Japan Koriyama Fukushima, Koriyama View Hotel Annex 3F Uzumine Hall, Nakamachi 10-10, Koriyama-shi, Fukushima
Saturday 01.11.2014 13:30 JAPAN Japan Yotsuya Tôkyô, St Ignatius Church, St Joseph Hall (talk) Main Chapel (Mass), Kojimachi 6-5, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Saturday 27.09.2014 14:00 D.R. OF CONGO République Démocratique du Congo Lubumbashi, Stade Frédéric Kibassa Maliba, la Kenya, Lubumbashi, Katanga, Congo   video
Thursday 25.09.2014 14:00 D.R. OF CONGO République Démocratique du Congo Kisangani, Esplanade de la Cathédrale de Kisangani, Congo   video
Tuesday 23.09.2014 14:00 D.R. OF CONGO République Démocratique du Congo Kinshasa, Stade Tata Raphaël, Kinshasa, Congo   video
Monday 22.09.2014 18:00 D.R. OF CONGO République Démocratique du Congo Kinshasa - Vassula's press conference to Congo Media professionals at Kempinski Hôtel Fleuve Congo, 119 boulevard Colonel Colonel Tshatshi
Wednesday 04.06.2014 SWEDEN Sverige (Sweden) Vadstena St Bridget's convent, Vadstena, Götaland
Thursday 15.05.2014 19:00 SOLOMON ISLANDS Solomon Islands Honiara - Public Meeting at Maranatha Hall
Monday 12.05.2014 AUSTRALIA Australia Brisbane - Logan Entertainment Centre, 170 Wembley Rd, Logan Central QLD 4114
Sunday 11.05.2014 AUSTRALIA Australia Canberra - Manning Clark Centre Theatre 3, Australian National University, Building 26A, Union Court, Acton ACT 0200
Saturday 10.05.2014 AUSTRALIA Australia Melbourne - Kingston City Hall, 985 Nepean Hwy, Moorabin, VIC 3189
Thursday 08.05.2014 AUSTRALIA Australia Sydney - The Concourse, 409 Victoria Rd, Chatswood, NSW 2067
Easter Sunday 20.04.2014 18:00 BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA Bosna i Hercegovina Medjugorje, Ave Maria Pilgrimages Pansion; attendance about 100 people; Vassula had been invited by Ms Nada Prskalo, Director of Ave Maria Pilgrimages to give her testimony in Medjugorje.
Holy Saturday 19.04.2014 16:00 BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA Bosna i Hercegovina Medjugorje, Private meeting -on his special request- with H.E. Živko Budimir, the president of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Holy Saturday 19.04.2014 14:00 BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA Bosna i Hercegovina Medjugorje, Casa Padre Pio; attendance more than 200 people; Vassula had been invited by Ms Nada Prskalo, Director of Ave Maria Pilgrimages to give her testimony in Medjugorje.
Holy Wednesday 16.04.2014 14:00 BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA Bosna i Hercegovina Medjugorje, Ave Maria Pilgrimages Pansion; attendance about 100 people; Vassula had been invited by Ms Nada Prskalo, Director of Ave Maria Pilgrimages to give her testimony in Medjugorje.
Wednesday 19.03.2014 U.S.A. USA Jersey City, NJ Public meeting at the "Casino in the Park"
Sunday 02.02.2014 14:00 NEDERLAND Nederland (Holland) Hilversum - Theater Gooiland, Emmastraat 2, Hilversum
Saturday 01.02.2014 10:00 BELGIUM Belgique - Belgium Banneux - Sanctuaire Notre-Dame de Banneux, Grande Eglise, 57 rue de l'Esplanade, 4140 Sprimont (Banneux-Notre-Dame) 10h Rosary; 11h Mass; 14h Vassula's witnessing
Wednesday 22 to Saturday 25.01.2014 PORTUGAL Portugal Fátima - True Life in God International Retreat organized by TLIG Spain
Friday 17.01.2014 ESPAÑA España Barcelona
Thursday 16.01.2014 20:00 ESPAÑA España Barcelona, Casa de la Cultura de Sant Cugat del Vallès, Carrer de Castellvi 8, Callejero de Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona
Sunday 24.11.2013 U.S.A. USA Los Angeles TLIG Anniversary Celebration and Festival Alex Theater 216 N Brand Blvd. Glendale, CA
Sunday 17.11.2013 U.S.A. USA Memphis, TN Holiday Inn - University Memphis 3700 Central Avenue Memphis, TN
Saturday 16.11.2013 U.S.A. USA Southern Pines, NC Southern Pines Elementary School Auditorium 255 S May St., Southern Pines N
Sunday 10.11.2013 CANADA Toronto Public meeting Ellas Banquet Hall & Hospitality Center 35 Danforth Rd, Scarborough, ON M1L 3W5
Tuesday 15.10.2013 CYPRUS Cyprus Larnaca Public meeting at the Palm Beach Hotel in Larnaca, Cyrus
25.08.13 - 02.09.2013 ISRAEL IsraelPalestine Holy Land, 9th True Life in God Ecumenical Pilgrimage - "Biblical Revival in the Holy Land" 25th August – 2nd September, 2013
Monday 03.06.2013 U.S.A. USA Metairie, LA, Barnes & Noble – Metairie, 3721 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Metairie, LA 70001, (504) 455-4929 - Speaking • Q&A • Book Signing
Monday 27.05.2013 U.S.A. USA Massapequa, NY, Advent Shop, 3 Bayview Ave, Massapequa, NY 1175, Massapequa, NY 11751, (516) 799-0450 or (516) 445-2600, Speaking • Q&A • Book Signing
Sunday 14.04.2013 U.S.A. USA Bay Shore, NY, The Advent Shop, 1219 Sunrise Highway, Bay Shore, NY 11706, (631) 665-0422 or (516) 445-2600, Speaking • Q&A • Book Signing
Saturday 13.04.2013 U.S.A. USA Manhattan Beach, CA, Barnes & Noble Manhattan Beach, CA, 1800 Rosecrans Avenue, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 , (310) 725-7025, Book Signing
Thursday 11.04.2013 U.S.A. USA Emeryville, CA, Barnes & Noble Emeryville, CA, 5604 Bay Street, Emeryville, CA 94608, (510) 828-9420, Speaking • Q&A • Book Signing
Saturday 06.04.2013 U.S.A. USA Studio City, CA, Barnes & Noble Studio City, CA, 12136 Ventura Boulevard, Studio City, CA 91604, (818) 505-9528, Speaking • Q&A • Book Signing
Wednesday 03.04.2013 U.S.A. USA Lawrenceville, GA, Books-A-Million Bookstore, Lawrenceville, GA 30043, (678) 847-5115, 5900 Sugarloaf Parkway, Suite 321, Speaking • Q&A • Book Signing
Tuesday 02.04.2013 U.S.A. USA Tampa, FL, Barnes & Noble Carrollwood, 11802 North Dale Mabry Highway, Tampa, FL 33618, Speaking • Q&A • Book Signing
Tuesday 02.04.2013 U.S.A. USA Tampa, FL, Malcolm Out Loud TV, 100 East Madison St., Suite 302, Tampa, FL 33606, TV Interview • Reception • Book Signing
Wednesday 27.03.2013 U.S.A. USA Oakbrook, IL, Barnes & Noble at Oakbrook Mall, 297 Oakbrook Center, Oakbrook, IL 60523, (630) 684-0586
Monday 02.03.2013 U.S.A. USA Des Peres, MO, Barnes & Noble at West County Mall, 113 West County Center, Des Peres, MO 63131, (314) 835-9980, Speaking • Q&A • Book Signing
Saturday 23.03.2013 U.S.A. USA Glendale, CO, Barnes & Noble at the Denver Market, 960 Colorado Blvd., Suite B, Glendale, CO 80246, Speaking • Q&A • Book Signing
Thursday 21.03.2013 U.S.A. USA Washington, NJ, March 21, 2013, 6:00 to 9:00 PM at Fatima House, Hosted by 101 Foundation, 360 Belvidere Ave, Washington, NJ 07882, (908) 689-8792, Mass • Q&A • Book Signing
Wednesday 20.03.2013 U.S.A. USA Springfield, NJ, Barnes & Noble, 240 Route 22 West, Springfield, NJ 07081, (973) 376-8544, Speaking + Q&A + Book Signing
Monday 17.12.2012 PHILIPPINES Philippines Manila, Shrine of St. Therese, Villamor, Pasay City
Saturday 15.12.2012 PHILIPPINES Philippines Manila, El Shaddai Community grounds at Amvel City, Paranaque City
Sunday 09.12.2012 INDIA India Kolkatta (Calcutta), Sacred Heart Church, Kharagpur
Friday 07.12.2012 INDIA India Allepy, IMS Retreat Centre
Thursday 06.12.2012 INDIA India Coimbatore, Nirmala College Auditorion , Sungam , Coimbatore , Presided by Bishop of Coimbatore
Tuesday 04.12.2012 INDIA India Mumbai, Don Bosco School Grounds, Borivili West
Sunday 02.12.2012 INDIA India New Delhi, Sacred Heart Cathedral
Saturday 01.12.2012 INDIA India New Delhi, Public meeting, Divine Retreat Centre, Bathola, Tigaon Road, Faridabad (Haryana)
Sunday 25.11.2012 15:00 FRANCE France Paris, Pavillon Baltard, 12 avenue Victor Hugo, 94130 Nogent-sur-Marne    -     enregistrements Audio
Friday 23.11.2012 18:00 FRANCE France Strasbourg, Palais des Congrès, salle Schweitzer, Place de Bordeaux-Wacken, 67000 Strasbourg    -     enregistrements Audio
Thursday 22.11.2012 18:00 FRANCE France Nantes, Centre des Congrès La Fleuriaye, 30 Bd Ampère, 44470 Carquefou    -     enregistrements Audio
Sunday 18.11.2012 15:00 FRANCE France Avignon, Parc des Expositions, Hall D, Chemin des Félons, 84140 Montfavet    -     enregistrements Audio
Saturday 17.11.2012 15:00 FRANCE France Lyon, Centre de Congrès Espace Tête d'Or, 103 Bd Stalingrad, 69100 Villeurbanne    -     enregistrements Audio
Monday 29.10.2012 15:00 PERU Peru Lima, Comunidad Apóstoles de María Reina de la Paz, distrito de Pachacamac, diócesis de Lurín, 30 km al sur de Lima
Saturday 27.10.2012 MEXICO Mexico Monterrey, Club de Leones Monterrey (Salón Reinas), Ave. Paseo de los Leones #901, Col. Leones (Sin Nombre de Col 19), Monterrey, Nuevo León
Thursday 25.10.2012 MEXICO Mexico Zapopan, Estadio Atlético Telmex, Av. Santa Lucia #1110, Colonia Tepeyac, 45656 Zapopan, Jalisco
Sunday 21.10.2012 MEXICO Mexico Mexico, Centro Banamex, Salón Palacio Valparaíso, Av. Conscripto 311, Lomas de Sotelo, Mexico 11200, D.F.
Wednesday 30.05.2012 18:30 CYPRUS Cyprus Nicosia, The Hilton Park Hotel
Friday 25.05.2012 16:15 CYPRUS CyprusNicosia, TV interview on Channel Ant-1, programme "Vale Antenna"
Saturday 12.05.2012 GREECE Grece Chania (Χανιά), Crete, Public meeting at Akali Hotel
26.04.2012 to 02.05.2012 EGYPT Egypte Anafora - True Life in God youth pilgrimage-retreat in the Coptic Center of Anafora
Saturday 31.03.2012 GREECE Grece Rethymnon (Ρέθυμνο), Crete, University of Crete Gallou Campus, Auditorium D3
Sunday 18.02.2012 13:30 Hawaii, U.S.A. USA Maui, Witness Meeting at 1:30PM at The Maui Beach Hotel, Maui, Hawaii
Saturday 18.02.2012 10:00 Hawaii, U.S.A. USA Maui, Live Radio Interview at 10:00AM on KPMW 105.5 FM radio station with Cecille Piros, Maui, Hawaii
Thursday 16.02.2012 19:00 Hawaii, U.S.A. USA Honolulu, Witness Meeting at 7:00PM at the Waikiki Beach Marriott Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii
Thursday 16.02.2012 07:15 Hawaii, U.S.A. USA Honolulu, Second Live Radio Interview at 7:15 AM on KPHI 96.7 FM radio station with Emmie Anderson, Honolulu, Hawaii
Wednesday 15.02.2012 16:15 Hawaii, U.S.A. USA Honolulu, Live Radio Interview at 4:15 PM on KPHI 96.7 FM & 1130 AM radio station, with Emmie Anderson, Honolulu, Hawaii (KPHI 96.7 FM & 1030 AM is the number one station for the 297'000 Filipino Audience in all Honolulu, Hawaii; their radio coverage reaches all of Honolulu and parts of Maui)
Monday 13.02.2012 18:30 Hawaii, U.S.A. USA Honolulu, Live Radio Interview at 6:30 PM on KWAI 1080 AM radio sation, with John Noland, Honolulu, Hawaii (reaching all of the Hawaiian Islands)
Friday 13.01.2012 17:00 CYPRUS CyprusNicosia, Witness meeting at Intercollege, Nicosia
Thursday 12.01.2012 16:45 CYPRUS CyprusNicosia, Interview by Sigma TV on progam "With Elita"
Saturday 03.12.2011 SINGAPORE Singapore, TLIG Singapore Association venue at Goodman Rd., Singapore
Sunday 20.11.2011 14:00 FRANCE France Marseille, Palais des Congrès, parc Chanot, 13008 Marseille 08    -     enregistrements Audio
Thursday 03.11.2011 BURUNDI BurundiBujumbura 3-day TLIG Retreat at Lycée Scheppers Nyakabiga
Sunday 23.10.2011 GERMANY Berlin, ‘Palais am Funkturm’
Saturday 22.10.2011 GERMANY Berlin, Ecumenical Meeting for Clergy at Wintergarten Room, Hotel Seehof
Saturday 22.10.2011 AUSTRIA Lauterach, Meeting at ‘Hofsteigsaal’, Lauterach
Friday 21.10.2011 AUSTRIA Bregenz Ecumenical Meeting with Clergy at the Cistercian Monastery
Thursday 06.10.2011 GREECE Grece Thessaloniki
03.09.2011 - 11.09.2011 ITALIA ROMA - 8th TRUE LIFE IN GOD Ecumenical Pilgrimage - Saint Peter & Saint Paul Glorifying God - Ergife Congress Center, via Aurelia 619, 00165 Roma; 800 pilgrims from 60 countries, including 80 clergy including a Cardinal and many Bishops
Sunday 26.06.2011 LEBANON Bsalim, Greek Orthodox Church
Thursday 2.06.2011 DANMARK København, Københavns Kulturcenter (Cultural Center of Copenhagen)
Tuesday 31.05.2011 FAROE ISLANDS Tórshavn, Vesturkirkjan
Lutheran church, Tórshavn
Sunday 29.05.2011 SWEDEN Sverige (Sweden), Göteborg, Vasakyrkan
Friday 27.05.2011 NORWAY Norge (Norway), Oslo, Storsalen Evangelical Lutheran Church
Wednesday 25.05.2011 FINLAND Finland Helsinki, Lutheran Church, Södra Haga kyrka - Huopalahti kirkko
Monday 23.05.2011 LATVIA Latvia Riga, Old Town’s Concert Hall
Saturday 14.05.2011 SLOVENIJA Slovenija Maribor, Anton Martin Slomšek Diocese Hall
Saturday 2.04.2011 BELGIUM Namur, Weekend Symposium “Unis par Christ”, Namur Expo
Wednesday 23.02.2011 BANGLADESH Dhaka Vassula received her Third Peace Gold Medal at The Grand Gala Inauguration Ceremony and Peace Gold Awards
Tuesday 22.02.2011 BANGLADESH Mymensingh Invited by Islam Imam to visit the Great Mosque and address the Moslem Clerics. Also visited the Convent of the Silesian Nuns and St. Patrick's Cathedral
Monday 21.02.2011 BANGLADESH Kulun Visited the Village,the TLIG School and St.Augustine Church
Sunday 20.02.2011 BANGLADESH Dhaka Visited the Beth Myriam
Sunday 14.11.2010 11:00 UGANDA Kampala, Hotel Victoria - Vassula's interview
Saturday 13.11.2010 13:00 UGANDA Kampala, Nakivubo Stadium - Vassula's main meeting
Friday 12.11.2010 07:55 UGANDA Kampala, UBC Uganda National Television - 8 minute Vassula's interview
Sunday 31.10.2010 16:00 MAGYARORSZAG (HUNGARY) Szeged - IH Rendezvényközpont (conference hall)
Saturday 30.10.2010 16:00 MAGYARORSZAG (HUNGARY) Budapest - Pestszentimrei Sportkastély (sports hall)
Friday 29.10.2010 17:00 HRVATSKA (CROATIA) Zagreb - Kongresni centar Zagrebačkog velesajma ("Zagreb Fair Hall"), Avenija Dubrovnik 15
Friday 29.10.2010 11:00 HRVATSKA (CROATIA) Zagreb - Interview for the Croatian TV station HR TV emisija “Duhovni izazovi” (“Spiritual Challenges” show)
Friday 29.10.2010 09:00 HRVATSKA (CROATIA) Zagreb - Interview for TV Slovenija
Saturday 09.10.2010 ARGENTINA Buenos Aires - Vassula meets the Archbishop of the Orthodox Church of Armenia, Mgr Kissag Mouradian
Friday 08.10.2010 16:00 ARGENTINA Buenos Aires - Vassula meets HE Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio s.j., [at that time] Archbishop of Buenos Aires and Primate of Argentina, at the Archbishopry (Metropolitan See of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires), Av. Rivadavia 415, C1002AAC Buenos Aires
04.10.2010 to 09.10.2010 ARGENTINA Buenos Aires - VI Retiro Latinoamericano de La Verdadera Vida en Dios (Sixth Latin-American Retreat of True Life in God)
22 - 27-09.2010 GREECE Grece Rhodes - True Life in God Retreat
Tueday 25.05.2010 17:00 SLOVAKIA Trnava - Mestska sportova hala (City sports hall) - Public Meeting
Tueday 25.05.2010 SLOVAKIA Trnava - Mestska sportova hala, konferencna sala (City sports hall conference room) - Meeting with Clergy
Sunday 23.05.2010 ROMANIA Bocsa - Two Hearts Institute for Children - Meeting for Clergy and Laity
Sunday 23.05.2010 ROMANIA Bocsa - Bocsa Mantana Romanian Orthodox Parish Church - On this Pentecost Sunday, Vassula delivered a talk
Saturday 22.05.2010 ROMANIA Timisoara - Colosseum, Public Meeting
Friday 21.05.2010 ROMANIA Timisoara - Sofia Hotel Conference Room - Meeting with Clergy
Monday 03.05.2010 LEBANON Beirut, interview with Television Télé Lumière (Light TV)
Sunday 02.05.2010 LEBANON Antelias (Beirut), public meeting at St Elias conference center
Sunday 02.05.2010 LEBANON Marjahyoun, Speach during the mass St Peter Cathedral (melkite catholic)
Saturday 01.05.2010 LEBANON Marjahyoun, public meeting in parish hall
Friday 30.04.2010 SYRIA Homs, public meeting in Cathedral Our Lady of Peace (melkite catholic)
Thursday 29.04.2010 SYRIA Aleppo, public meeting in El Aaziziyah church (roman catholic)
Thursday 29.04.2010 SYRIA Near Aleppo, Near Alep, private meeting with Carmelites in their convent
31.03 - 8.04.2010 SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg - True Life in God Ecumenical Gathering - Meditating on Christ’s Passion and celebrating together the Orthodox Easter
Wednesday 10.02.2010 CYPRUS Nicosia Meeting with Cypriot TLIG group
Wednesday 10.02.2010 CYPRUS Nicosia Vassula interviewed on TV channel
Sunday 06.12.2009 BELGIUM Namur "Unis par Christ" Meeting (2nd day) held for Christian Unity. Vassula was one of 4 invited guest speakers
Saturday 05.12.2009 BELGIUM Namur "Unis par Christ" Meeting held for Christian Unity. Vassula was one of 4 invited guest speakers
Monday 09.11.2009 EGYPT Alexandria Church of the Sacred Heart
Saturday 07.11.2009 EGYPT Cairo Church of the de la Sale College
03.09.2009 - 11.09.2009 GREECE Grece Greece - 7th TLIG international ecumenical pilgrimage - 7e pèlerinage oecuménique international de La Vraie vie en Dieu
Tueday 19.05.2009 SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg Portuguese Journalist of O Seculo interviews Vassula
Monday 18.05.2009 SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg Bedfordview 1 hr interview on the Pan-Hellenic radio program hosted by Archbishop Seraphim and Maria Dzerefos
Sunday 17.05.2009 SOUTH AFRICA Cape Town Holy Trinity Church Matroosfontein, Vassula addresses the community
Saturday 16.05.2009 SOUTH AFRICA Durban Durban City Hall, Vassula addresses approximately 1000 people
Friday 15.05.2009 SOUTH AFRICA Durban Glenmore Pastoral Center Vassula addresses priest, Nuns and Religious
Friday 15.05.2009 SOUTH AFRICA Durban Vassula had meeting and lunch with His Eminence Wilfrid Fox Cardinal Napier, O.F.M., Archbishop of Durban, at his residence
Sunday 10.05.2009 SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg Woodmead Our Lady of the Cedars of Lebanon Maronite Church
Saturday 09.05.2009 MALAWI Lilongwe The Assemblies of God Hall
Friday 08.05.2009 MALAWI Blantyre Capital Radio, radio interview
Friday 08.05.2009 MALAWI Blantyre MBC,(Government radio station) radio interview
Friday 08.05.2009 MALAWI Blantyre St. James Cathedral in Chilomoni (Vassula address 1000 people)
Friday 08.05.2009 MALAWI Lilongwe Vassula met with Mgr Rémi-Joseph-Gustave Sainte-Marie, M. Afr., Bishop of Lilongwe
Thuday 07.05.2009 MALAWI Blantyre Limbe Cathedral Hall (Vassula addresses Priests, Nuns and Religious)
Wednesday 29.04.2009 EGYPT Cairo 40-people meeting in a home
Tueday 28.04.2009 EGYPT Cairo Collège De La Salle, Daher (Frères des écoles chrétiennes)
Monday 27.04.2009 EGYPT Cairo 70-person meeting in a home
Saturday 25.04.2009 EGYPT Alexandria, Church of the Sacred Heart
Friday 24.04.2009 EGYPT Alexandria, "House of the Blessed Mother"
Tuesday 24.02.2009 15:00 BANGLADESH Dhaka - Sree Sree Dhakeswari National Temple ( report )
Monday 23.02.2009 15:00 BANGLADESH Dhaka - Bangladesh Bouddha Kristi Prachar Sangha, Dharmarajika Buddhist Monastery, Atisa Dipankar Road, Kamalapur, Dhaka - 1214
Sunday 08.02.2009 17:00 BRASIL Salvador do Bahía, Escola Parque
Saturday 07.02.2009 18:00 BRASIL Belo Horizonte, Sesc Contagem Stadium
Saturday 07.02.2009 BRASIL Radio Gospa Mira, radio interview
Friday 06.02.2009 BRASIL Radio America, radio interview
Wednesday 04.02.2009 08:00 REP. DOMINICANA Santo Domingo, interview on TV Channel 45, emisión En Pocos Minutos
Tuesday 03.02.2009 18:00 REP. DOMINICANA Santo Domingo, Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, Sala de Lectura
Tuesday 03.02.2009 12:00 REP. DOMINICANA Santo Domingo, interview on Radio Listin 99.7 FM, Editora Listin Diario, Emisión 12PM
Monday 02.02.2009 20:00 REP. DOMINICANA Santo Domingo, live television interview on Color Vision Channel 9
Saturday 31.01.2009 09:00 MEXICO Monterrey, Vassula spoke several times over the course of 3 days during a national retreat
Friday 30.01.2009 10:00 - 17:30 MEXICO Monterrey, Vassula spoke several times over the course of 3 days during a national retreat
Thursday 29.01.2009 MEXICO Monterrey, Vassula spoke several times over the course of 3 days during a national retreat
Thursday 29.01.2009 15:00 MEXICO Monterrey, TV interview for Televisión Azteca, a channel with nationwide coverage
Sunday 18.01.2009 13:45 U.S.A. Los Angeles, Barnum Hall, Santa Monica Malibu High School, 601 Pico Boulevard, Santa Monica CA
Sunday 11.01.2009 11:00 U.S.A. San Diego, CA, Maronite Catholic Church of Saint Ephraim
Sunday 14.12.2008 10:30 NEPAL Godavari, Sacred Heart church
Saturday 13.12.2008 10:30 NEPAL Kathmandu, Assumption Church - first ever public witnessing of Vassula in Nepal
Friday 12.12.2008 11:00 NEPAL Kathmandu, Assumption church - meeting with clergy and religious
Friday 12.12.2008 NEPAL Kathmandu, Meeting with H.E. Anthony Francis Sharma, S.J., the Apostolic Vicar of Nepal
Sunday 09.11.2008 LESOTHO Maseru, Maseru Sun Hotel Convention Centre
Saturday 08.11.2008 LESOTHO Leribe, St. Joseph's Cathedral - Vassula speaks to 800
Friday 07.11.2008 LESOTHO Leribe, Church of Santa Monica - Vassula speaks to 4,500
Wednesday 05.11.2008 SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg, Greek Orthodox Church of Panayia Pantanassa
Monday 03.11.2008 SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg, Metropolitan Seraphim interviews Vassula for the Pan-Hellenic Radio Station of Bedfordview
Sunday 02.11.2008 SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg, Cathedral of Christ the King - Vassula witnesses to about 1,000
Saturday 01.11.2008 SWAZILAND Manzini, conference hall
Saturday 01.11.2008 10:00 SWAZILAND Manzini, conference hall - meeting with the clergy of different confessions including Catholic, Salesian, Methodist, Pentecostal and nuns of the "Faith Christian Fellowship Ministry"
Wednesday 29.10.2008 ESPAÑA Madrid, Interview with Journalist, Ricardo Paramo, for Spanish National Television
Monday 27.10.2008 ESPAÑA Avila, convento de San José
Monday 27.10.2008 ESPAÑA Avila, convento de la Encarnación
Sunday 26.10.2008 ESPAÑA Madrid - Abadía Benedictina de la Santa Cruz del Valle de los Caídos, San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Monday 14.07.2008 14:30 U.K. Chichester - Chichester Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity,  PO19 1PX, Sussex, England
Saturday 12.07.2008 13:30 U.K. Brighton - St Martin’s (Anglican) Church, Brighton BN2 3HQ, Sussex, England
Monday 02.06.2008 INDIA Mumbai, Maharashtra
Sunday 01.06.2008 INDIA Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
Friday 30.05.2008 CHINA Beijing
Thursday 29.05.2008 CHINA Hanan
Wednesday 28.05.2008 CHINA Shijiazhuang
Monday 26.05.2008 CHINA Fuzhou
Saturday 24.05.2008 TAIWAN Taichung
Friday 23.05.2008 TAIWAN Taichung
Wednesday 21.05.2008 TAIWAN , Kaoshiung
Saturday 17.05.2008 SINGAPORE
Tuesday 13.05.2008 PHILIPPINES Manila
Monday 12.05.2008 PHILIPPINES Lipa Batangas
Sunday 11.05.2008 PHILIPPINES Cebu City
Wednesday 23.04.2008 EGYPT Alexandria
Monday 06.04.2008 BRASIL Curitiba - Vassula addresses 200 people from the Ukrainian community in a meeting hosted by Orthodox Bishop Jeremias Ferens
Monday 31.03.2008 BRASIL Balneário Camboriú - Record TV channel - interview for the TV program Jornal do Meio-Dia
Monday 31.03.2008 BRASIL Balneário Camboriú - 5th True Life in God Latin-American Retreat
27-29.05.2007 TURKEY True Life in God Pilgrimage May 2007 in Turkey and Greece - "In the steps of St Paul & St John - 7 Churches of Revelation - Grotto of Revelation"
26-27.05.2007 GREECE True Life in God Pilgrimage May 2007 in Turkey and Greece - "In the steps of St Paul & St John - 7 Churches of Revelation - Grotto of Revelation"
19-26.05.2007 TURKEY True Life in God Pilgrimage May 2007 inTurkey and Greece - "In the steps of St Paul & St John - 7 Churches of Revelation - Grotto of Revelation" - video
Monday 18.12.2006 18:00 PHILIPPINES Manila - Lyceum of the Phillipines University's Freedom Hall, Intramuros, Manila
Sunday 17.12.2006 16:00 PHILIPPINES Davao - Casa Maria Retreat Center, Davao, Mindanao
Thursday 14.12.2006 07:30 INDIA Trivandrum - Meeting in the Syro-Malankara Catholic Cathedral, Trivandrum, Kerala
Wednesday 13.12.2006 12:00 INDIA Ernakulam - Meeting at the Kerala Catholic Bishops' Conference, Pastoral Orientation Centre, Ernakulam, Kerala
Tuesday 12.12.2006 14:30 INDIA Pala - Meeting in Assisi Renewal Center Hall, Pala, Kerala
Sunday 10.12.2006 18:00 INDIA Mumbai - Meeting in Duruelo Convent School Grounds, Bandra (West), Mumbai
Wednesday 06.12.2006 15:30 PAKISTAN Faisalabad - Meeting in Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Cathedral Hall, Faisalabad
Sunday 29.10.2006 12:00 CANADA Vancouver - Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Centre, Parkview Terrace Room, 999 Canada Place, Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3C1
Friday 27.10.2006 18:30 CANADA Grande Prairie - Douglas J. Cardinal Performing Arts Centre (GPRC Theatre), Grande Prairie Regional College, 10726 - 106th Ave, Grande Prairie, Alberta T8V 4C4
Thursday 26.10.2006 19:30 CANADA Calgary - Calgary Dream Centre, 4510 Macleod Trail South, Calgary, Alberta T2G 0A4
Tuesday 24.10.2006 19:00 CANADA Lethbridge - Public meeting with Vassula in the Studios of The Miracle Channel ecumenical TV station, 450, 31st Street North, Lethbridge, Alberta T1H 3Z3
Tuesday 24.10.2006 11:00 CANADA Lethbridge - Interview with Vassula on the TV program ''in sight'' - The Miracle Channel ecumenical TV station, 450, 31st Street North, Lethbridge, Alberta T1H 3Z3
Sunday 22.10.2006 14:00 CANADA Edmonton - Northlands Agricom, Salons 1&2, 7515, 118th Avenue NW, Northlands Park, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2N5
Saturday 21.10.2006 19:00 CANADA Saskatoon - German Canadian Club Concordia, 160 Cartwright Street, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7T 1B1
Friday 20.10.2006 14:30 CANADA Winnipeg - Canad Inns Fort Garry, 1824 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2G2
Tuesday 17.10.2006 19:00 CANADA Cochrane - The Tim Horton Events Centre, Cochrane, Ontario P0L 1C0
Sunday 15.10.2006 12:30 CANADA Hamilton - Canadian Serbian Community Center , 1415 Barton Street East, Hamilton, Ontario L8H 2W6
Saturday 14.10.2006 14:00 CANADA Toronto - Canada Christian College and School of Graduate Theological Studies, 50 Gervais Drive, Toronto, Ontario M3C 1Z3
Friday 13.10.2006 19:30 CANADA Montréal - Salle Pierre Mercure, Centre Pierre Péladeau, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), 300 boulevard de Maisonneuve Est, Montréal, Qc H3C 3P8 - video
Wednesday 11.10.2006 19:00 CANADA Ottawa (program in English) - Centurion Conference & Event Center, 170 Colonnade Road South, Nepean, Ontario K2E 7K1
Tuesday 10.10.2006 19:00 CANADA Ottawa (programme en français) - Centurion Conference & Event Center, 170 Colonnade Road South, Nepean, Ontario K2E 7K1
Sunday 08.10.2006 14:00 CANADA Shawinigan - Centre de congrès Auberge Gouverneur Shawinigan, 1100 Promenade du Saint-Maurice, Shawinigan, Québec G9N 1L8
Saturday 07.10.2006 13:30 CANADA Sherbrooke - Salle Alfred Desrochers du Cégep de Sherbrooke, 200 rue Terrill, Sherbrooke, Québec J1E 3B1
Thursday 05.10.2006 19:00 CANADA Ville de Saguenay - Salle François-Brassard du Cégep de Jonquière, 2505 rue St-Hubert, Jonquière, Québec G7X 7W2
Wednesday 04.10.2006 19:00 CANADA Québec - Le Centre des Congrès de Québec (Québec City Convention Centre), 1000 boulevard René Lévesque Est, Québec, Qc G1R 2B5
Monday 02.10.2006 19:00 CANADA Moncton (program in English) - Moncton High School, 207 Church Street, Moncton, New Brunswick E1C 5A3
Sunday 01.10.2006 19:00 CANADA Moncton (programme en français) - Moncton High School, 207 Church Street, Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick E1C 5A3
Sunday 21.05.2006 19:00 AUSTRIA Salzburg - St. Virgil Bildungszentrum, Ernst-Grein-Straße 14, A-5026 Salzburg
Saturday 20.05.2006 15:00 AUSTRIA Wien - Konzilsgedächtniskirche, Lainzerstraße 154, A-1130 Wien
Sunday 14.05.2006 17:30 ESPAÑA Barcelona, Parroquia de Santa María Reina, Carretera d'Esplugues 103 - 08034 Barcelona
12-17.05.2006 ESPAÑA Begues - IV encuentro ecuménico iberoamericano de la Verdadera Vida en Dios - Casa de Espiritualidad Josep Manyanet, Begues, provincia de Barcelona
22-25.04.2006 ITALIA Eupilio - Barnabiti, Chierici Regolari di San Paolo, Opera ritiri, via S. Antonio Maria Zaccaria 17, I-22030 Eupilio, Galliano, Como
Saturday 28.01.2006 12:00 U.S.A. Los Angeles, Ecumenical meeting for public, clergy and religious, Alex Theatre, 216 North Brand Boulevard, Glendale, CA 91203-2610
Friday 27.01.2006 12:00 U.S.A. Los Angeles, Time Warner Cable, KADL-TV, Adelphia Channel - live interview by Bob Jimenez for TV program "Week in Review"
Thursday 26.01.2006 16:30 U.S.A. Los Angeles, TV interview for "Christian Unity", OCTelevision
Sunday 22.01.2006 17:30 INDIA Kolkata (Calcutta), Ecumenical meeting for public, clergy and religious, St. Paul’s Cathedral
Saturday 21.01.2006 11:00 INDIA Kolkata (Calcutta), Ecumenical meeting for clergy and religious, St. Thomas’ Church
Wednesday 18.01.2006 18:30 INDIA Bangalore, Public meeting for Unity Week, St. Francis Xavier’s Cathedral ground
Tuesday 17.01.2006 11:00 INDIA Bangalore, Ecumenical introduction meeting for clergy, Holy Trinity Church (Anglican), Ulsoor
Sunday 15.01.2006 15:00 INDIA New Delhi, Public meeting, St. Columbas School Ground, Ashoka Place, Goledakhana, New Delhi-1
Saturday 14.01.2006 10:30 INDIA New Delhi, Public meeting, Divine Retreat Centre, Bathola, Tigaon Road, Faridabad (Haryana)
Friday 13.01.2006 13:00 INDIA New Delhi, TV interview by Fr. Dominic Emmanuel for "Voice of Christianity", JAIN TV
Friday 13.01.2006 10:30 INDIA New Delhi, Ecumenical Meeting for clergy, Don Bosco Salesian Provincial House, Okhla, Jamnagar, Delhi 110025
2005  - Vassula mission meeting reports - year 2005                                                                                                                                                                     
Sunday 18.12.2005 16:30 SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg, Catholic Cathedral of Christ the King corner of Nugget street and Saratoga ave, Berea - Compte-rendu
Friday 16.12.2005 19:00 SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg, Church hall of The Greek Orthodox Church of St.Anargiri, corner of Edward and Gibson street, Triomf
Sunday 11.12.2005 14:30 PORTUGAL Requião, Vila Nova de Famalicão, Fraternidade Missionária de Cristo-Jovem
Saturday 10.12.2005 14:30 PORTUGAL Lisboa, Igreja do Sagrado Coração de Jesus
Saturday 03.12.2005 15:30 SINGAPORE 
Singapore, Auditorium, RELC International Hotel, 30 Orange Grove Road, Singapore 258352
Thursday 01.12.2005 10:00 SINGAPORE 
Singapore, The American Club, Scotts Rd., Singapore 228219
Sunday 27.11.2005 14:00 PHILIPPINES Cebu, Sacred Heart Jesuits' School Gymnasium, General Maxilom Avenue, Cebu
Saturday 26.11.2005 21:00 PHILIPPINES Manilla, El Shaddai Community Field, Sucat, MetroManila, Philippines
Saturday 26.11.2005 13:00 PHILIPPINES Lipa, Carmel of Our Lady Mary Mediatrix of All Grace, Lipa, Batangas
Thursday 24.11.2005 14:00 PHILIPPINES Tuao, Atty. Leonardo Mamba Memorial Gymnasium, Tuao, Cagayan Valley
Wednesday 23.11.2005 17:00 PHILIPPINES Tuguegarao, Meeting for the Laity, Archbishop's Palace Grounds, Tuguegarao, Cagayan
Wednesday 23.11.2005 15:00 PHILIPPINES Tuguegarao, Clergy Meeting, Archbishop's Palace Library, Tuguegarao, Cagayan
Monday 21.11.2005 19:30 THAILAND Chiang Mai, The Park Hotel, 44 Changklan Rd.
Sunday 20.11.2005 13:30 THAILAND Sriracha, Assumption College Hall
Saturday 19.11.2005 20:30 THAILAND Bangkok, Holy Redeemer Hall, Holy Redeemer Church, Ruam Rudee Lane
Tuesday 15.11.2005 19:30 INDIA New Delhi, Carmel Convent School, Chanakyapuri
Monday 14.11.2005 20:00 INDIA Ranchi, Tarunoday Theologate Jesuit Seminary
Sunday 13.11.2005 16:30 INDIA Jamshedpur, St. Joseph's Cathedral, Golmuri
Tuesday 08.11.2005 18:30 CHINA Hong Kong, Sha Tin Town Hall, 2/F, Cultural Activities Hall, 1 Yuen Wo Road, Sha Tin, New Territories/Kowloon
Sunday 06.11.2005 17:00 JAPAN Nagasaki, Oura-Kaigan - Nagasaki View Hotel Hall "Crystal Harmony" 2-33, Oura-cho, Nagasaki-shi, Nagasaki-Pref ZIP850-0918
Friday 04.11.2005 17:00 JAPAN Osaka, Nakanoshima - Osaka Rihga Royal NCB Matsu-no-Ma 6-2-27, Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi Nakanoshima Centre Building 2F ZIP530-0005
Thursday 03.11.2005 14:00 JAPAN Tokyo, Ueno, La Belle Aurum B2F La Salle Royale, 1-26-2, Higashi-Ueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo ZIP110-0015
Saturday 17.09.2005 14:30 SWITZERLAND  Montreux, Centre de Congrès, Grand-Rue 95, Montreux Video
Thursday 15.09.2005 07:30 IRELAND Dublin, National Basketball Arena, Tallaght, Dublin 24 - Compte-rendu
Sunday 11.09.2005 15:00 U.K. Edinburgh, Assembly Hall, The Mound, Edinburgh, Scotland - Compte-rendu
Saturday 10.09.2005 13:00 U.K. Westminster, Methodist Central Hall (Parliament Square - opposite Westminster Abbey), Westminster, England - Video
Sunday 05.06.2005 08:00 ITALIA Catania, Acireale, Centro Congressi La Perla Jonica, Via Unni 10, Capomulini, I-95024 Acireale, Catania, Sicilia
22-28.05.2005 JORDAN Jordan True Life in God Pilgrimage May 2005 in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan - "Walking with St. Paul and the Prophets"
20-22.05.2005 SYRIA True Life in God Pilgrimage May 2005 in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan - "Walking with St. Paul and the Prophets"
18-20.05.2005 LEBANON True Life in God Pilgrimage May 2005 in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan - "Walking with St. Paul and the Prophets"
Tuesday 15.03.2005 13:00 PAKISTAN Jhang Saddar - St. Martin School
eykjav Sunday 13.03.2005 15:00 INDIA New Delhi - Sacred Heart Cathedral
Saturday 12.03.2005 10:00 INDIA Kurseong - St. Alphonsus School Hall, Kurseong, Darjeeling - 743 220, West Bengal
2005   - Vassula mission meeting reports - year 2005
2004   - Vassula mission meeting reports - year 2004                                                                                                                                                                       
Monday 22.11.2004 13:45 VATICAN Vatican City - Vassula received in audience by HE Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger at the See of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith (CDF), at the end of the dialogue conducted during two years about the Work True Life in God.
Friday 12.11.2004 18:00 TAIWAN Kaohsiung, National Sun Yat-Sen University, 70 Lien-Hai Rd., Kaohsiung 804, Taiwan - Compte-rendu
Tuesday 9.11.2004 15:00 INDIA Ranchi, Jharkhand State
Monday 8.11.2004 08:30 INDIA Khootpani, Jharkhand State
Sunday 10.10.2004 DANMARK København, Kulturforeningen Lygten - Compte-rendu
Saturday 9.10.2004 19:00 SWEDEN Göteborg, Vasakyrkan - Compte-rendu
Friday 8.10.2004 19:00 SWEDEN Stockholm, Johannes Kyrka - Compte-rendu
Monday 04.10.2004 19:30 FAROE ISLANDS Tórshavn, Vesturkirkjan
Lutheran church, Tórshavn
Sunday 03.10.2004 19:30 ISLAND Reykjavík, Hallgrímskirkja - Skólavörðuholti - Pósthólf 651 - 121 Reykjavík
Saturday 02.10.2004 DANMARK Esbjerg, Esbjerg Hoejskole - Compte-rendu
Sunday 27.06.2004 17:30 ESPAÑA Bar
celona, Parroquia de Santa María Reina, Carretera d'Esplugues 103 - 08034 Barcelona
Saturday 26.06.2004 19:00 ESPAÑA Bilbao, Palacio Euskalduna de Congresos y de la Musica, Abandoirra 4, 48011 Bilbao, Vizcaya
Friday 25.06.2004 19:00 ESPAÑA Sevilla, Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de los Angeles
Thursday 24.06.2004 19:00 ESPAÑA Madrid, Colegio Nuestra Señora del Recuerdo, PP Jesuítas, Plaza Duque de Pastrana 5 - 28036 Madrid
Monday 31.05.2004 14:00 U.S.A. Buffalo, St. John Maron Parish Maronite Center, 2040 Wherle Drive, Williamsville NY (suburb of Buffalo)
Saturday 29.05.2004 13:00 U.S.A. New York, Armenian Church Center, 630 Second Avenue at 35th Street, New York City, NY
Sunday 23.05.2004 10:00 VENEZUELA Caracas, Estadio Poliedro
Friday 21.05.2004 19:00 U.S.A. San Francisco, Cathedral Hill Hotel, 1101 Van Ness Ave (at Geary), San Francisco, CA 94109
Thursday 20.05.2004 17:00 U.S.A. Los Angeles, Glendale Civic Auditorium, 1401 North Verdugo Rd, Glendale CA 91208
Sunday 16.05.2004 13:00 ITALIA Roma, Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore
03 - 07.05.2004 GREECE Meteora -TLIG international pilgrimage
Saturday 17.04.2004 16:30 ITALIA Roma, Centro Russia Ecumenica, Borgo Pio, 141, I-00193 Roma
Tuesday 17.02.2004 17:00 MEXICO México, Auditorio Valle de México, Gran Hotel Valle de México, Av. 1° de mayo # 15, Naucalpán, Ciudad de México
2004   - Vassula mission meeting reports - year 2004 
2003   - Vassula mission meeting reports - year 2003                                                                                                                                                                    
Sunday 16.11.2003 INDIA Varanasi - Pastoral Centre of Varanasi
Saturday 15.11.2003 INDIA Varanasi - Ashram Centre
Friday 14.11.2003 INDIA Varanasi - Pastoral Centre of Varanasi
Wednesday 05.11.2003 INDIA Bangalore - Sisters of Fatima Provincialate
Saturday 25.10.2003 14:00 U.K. Brighton - The Brighton Centre, Kings Road (Seafront), Brighton, East Sussex BN1 2GR
Tuesday 14.10.2003 15:00 ARMENIA
Sunday 12.10.2003 15:00 ARMENIA
Sunday 05.10.2003 14:00 CZECH REP. Brno
Friday 23.05.2003 14:00 PARAGUAY Encarnación - Estación de radio y televisión Radio Paraná
Thursday 22.05.2003 18:30 ARGENTINA Buenos Aires - Club Ferro Carril Oeste, Gimnasio Etchart, Av. Avellaneda 1240
Wednesday 21.05.2003 18:00 URUGUAY Montevideo - Cine Teatro Plaza, Plaza Cagancha 1129
Wedn.14 - Tues.20.05.2003 PUERTO RICO Caguas - premises of the Mission of True Life in God
Sunday 13.04.2003 13:00 U.S.A. Newark - Holiday Inn - Newark Airport, Main Ballroom, 160 Frontage Road, Newark, New Jersey 07114
Saturday 12.04.2003 14:00 U.S.A. Los Angeles - Veterans' Memorial Park Auditorium, 4117 Overland Avenue, Culver City, CA 90230
Thursday 10.04.2003 19:00 CANADA Lethbridge - Public meeting with Vassula in the Studios of The Miracle Channel ecumenical TV station, 450, 31st Street North, Lethbridge, Alberta T1H 3Z3
Thursday 10.04.2003 13:00 CANADA Lethbridge - Interview with Vassula on the TV program ''Lifeline'' - The Miracle Channel ecumenical TV station, 450, 31st Street North, Lethbridge, Alberta T1H 3Z3
Thursday 10.04.2003 11:00 CANADA Lethbridge - Interview with Vassula on the TV program ''in sight'' - The Miracle Channel ecumenical TV station, 450, 31st Street North, Lethbridge, Alberta T1H 3Z3
Tuesday 08.04.2003 18:00 CANADA Sudbury, Ont., Steelworkers Hall
Sunday 06.04.2003 13:30 CANADA Toronto, Ukrainian Cultural Centre, 83 Christie St.
(intersection Bloor St.), Toronto
Saturday 05.04.2003 09:30 U.S.A. Independence, William Chrisman Senior High School, 1223 N Noland Rd, Independence, MO. 64050
Sunday 30.03.2003 15:00 ITALIA Cagliari, Sala Convegni Copoa, km11.200 ss 130 Assemini Cagliari, Sardegna - Compte-rendu
Sunday 23.03.2003 14:30 FRANCE  Nice, L'Acropolis (Palais des Congrès et des Expositions),   1 Esplanade Kennedy Video
Saturday 22.03.2003 14:30 FRANCE  Paris, Eurosites - Plaine Saint-Denis, (Salle Europe), 144 avenue du Président Wilson, La Plaine Saint-Denis (93) Video
Wednesday 26.02.2003 12:00 BANGLADESH Dhaka - Department of World Religions, Arts Building - room 5006, University of Dhaka, Dhaka - 1000
Sunday 23.02.2003 15:00 BANGLADESH Dhaka - Bangladesh Bouddha Kristi Prachar Sangha, Dharmarajika Buddhist Monastery, Atisa Dipankar Road, Kamalapur, Dhaka - 1214
2003 - Vassula mission meeting reports - year 2003
2002     - Vassula mission meeting reports - year 2002                                                                                                                                                                 
Sunday 01.12.2002 14:00 CAMBODIA
Phnom Penh, Russian Culture Center, 103 Norodom Blvd., Phnom Penh
Monday 25.11.2002 20:00 CHINA Hong Kong Jockey Auditorium, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Friday 23.11.2002 14:00 TAIWAN Taïpeh, Holy Trinity Church, 26 Pao-An Street, Hsi-Tien, Taipei County, Taiwan
Tuesday 19.11.2002 16:00 PHILIPPINES Manila, Meldy Cojuangco's residence - conference organized by Center for Peace - Asia with the members of the Interfaith
Monday 18.11.2002 18:00 PHILIPPINES Cebu, Santo Rosario Parish, with Mgr Kriekenbeek
Sunday 17.11.2002 14:30 PHILIPPINES Manila, UP Theatre
Thursday 14.11.2002 14:00 THAILAND Bangkok, Redeemer Hall, Ruam Rudee Lane
21 to 30.10.2002 EGYPT Cairo - Sinai - Nile Valley - Inter-religious pilgrimage of True Life in God on the steps of the Saint Family in the Holy Land of Egypt
Sunday 16.06.2002 17:00 MEXICO Guadalajara, Jalisco, Club de Leones, Guadalajara
Saturday 15.06.2002 16:00 MEXICO Mérida, Yucatán, Polyforum Zamná, Mérida
Tuesday 28.05.2002 18:30 INDIA Bangalore: St. Anthony's Friary Church, No 85 Hosur Road, Near Madiwala Check Post, Bangalore 560 095
Monday 27.05.2002 18:00 INDIA Kalyan: Tabor Ashram Retreat Centre, Kalyan, Mumbai
Sunday 26.05.2002 19:00 INDIA Mumbai: Sacred Hearts Church Grounds, S.V. Road, Santa Cruz West, Mumbai
Friday 24.05.2002 16:00 BANGLADESH Dhaka: Women's Sports Complex, Road 11/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka
Monday 20.05.2002 17:00 SRI LANKA
Colombo: Kithusevana Auditorium, Cathedral of Christ The Living Saviour, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 7
Sunday 19.05.2002 11:00 SRI LANKA
Kandy: Police Grounds, Kandy
Saturday 11.05.2002 13:00 GERMANY Borgentreich bei Höxter, Jugendfestival im "Börde Zentrum" der koptischen Kirche, Am Maihof 1, 34434 Borgentreich bei Höxter
Saturday 27.04.2002 16:00 SWITZERLAND  Lausanne, Christ Church, Avenue de l'Eglise Anglaise 1, Lausanne 6
Sunday 14.04.2002 14:00 CHILE Santiago, Gimnasio Don Bosco, Avda. Ricardo Cumming # 4, Region Metropolitana, Santiago
Saturday 13.04.2002 09:00 VENEZUELA Caracas, Parque Naciones Unidas
Wednesday 10.04.2002   2PM CANADA Lethbridge - The Miracle Channel ecumenical TV station - Vassula interviewed for 1 hour on the program ''In Sight''   2PM
Wednesday 10.04.2002 10AM CANADA Lethbridge - The Miracle Channel, 450 - 31st Street North, Lethbridge, Alberta T1H 3Z3 - Vassula interviewed for 1 hour on the program ''In Sight'' 10AM
Saturday 23.03.2002 14:00 NEDERLAND Amsterdam, Borchlandhal in Amsterdam-Duivendrecht, Borchlandweg 6-12, 1099 CT Amsterdam-Duivendrecht
Wednesday 06.03.2002 10:30 SOUTH AFRICA Soweto, Church of Good Shepherd, 194 Makhaya Str, Protea North, Soweto- Compte-rendu
Monday 04.03.2002 10:30 SOUTH AFRICA Houghton, meeting with church leaders, priests, religious, Croatian Church, 99 Central Street, Houghton - Compte-rendu
Sunday 03.03.2002 15:00 SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg, College of Education, Linder Auditorium, 27 St. Andrews Road, Parktown
Saturday 02.03.2002 15:30 SOUTH AFRICA
Pretoria, CBC Mount Edmund, Pretoria Road, Silverton, Pretoria- Compte-rendu
Friday 01.03.2002 16:00 SOUTH AFRICA
Radio Interview with Vassula on Radio 702 with John Robbie- Compte-rendu
Sunday 24.02.2002 15:00 ITALIA Spinea, Via Negrelli 18, Spinea (Mestre/Venezia)- Compte-rendu
Saturday 23.02.2002 15:00 ITALIA Feletto Umberto, c/o Edizioni Segno, via Fermi 80, 33010 Feletto Umberto (Udine)- Compte-rendu
Monday 18.02.2002 16:00 INDIA Muringoor, Divine Mercy Retreat Centre's English Section, Muringoor, Kerala
Monday 18.02.2002 09:30 INDIA Muringoor, Bible College, Divine Retreat Centre, Muringoor, Kerala
Sunday 17.02.2002 11:15 INDIA Chalakudi, 'Potta Convention' in Potta Ashram, Chalakudi, Kerala
Saturday 16.02.2002 15:30 INDIA Mundoor, Sinai Renewal Centre, Mundoor, Palakad, Kerala
Saturday 16.02.2002 10:15 INDIA Muringoor, Bible College, Divine Retreat Centre, Muringoor, Kerala
Friday 15.02.2002 14:30 INDIA Chalakudi, 'Potta Convention' in Potta Ashram, Chalakudi, Kerala
Friday 15.02.2002 10:00 INDIA Chalakudi, interview for two magazines : Sunday Shalom and Shalom Tidings, Kerala
Thursday 14.02.2002 16:15 INDIA Muringoor, Divine Mercy Retreat Centre's Malayalam Section, Muringoor, Kerala
Thursday 14.02.2002 10:15 INDIA Muringoor, Divine Mercy Retreat Centre's English Section, Muringoor, Kerala
2002     - Vassula mission meeting reports - year 2002
2001       - Vassula mission meeting reports - year 2001                                                                                                                                                             
Thursday 06.12.2001 11:00 MEXICO México, Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Wednesday 05.12.2001 18:30 MEXICO México, Centro Cultural Telmex, Teatro 1, Avenida Cuauhtemoc y Chapultepec
Sunday 02.12.2001 13:00 PUERTO RICO Caguas, new premises of the Mission of True Life in God
Friday 16.11.2001 18:00 ITALIA Farfa - Terzo Simposio di Argomento Ecumenico - ECUMENISMO E SPIRITUALITÀ - Centro Ecumenico Internazionale Brigidino di Farfa, 02030 Farfa (RI)
Saturday 03.11.2001 17:00 INDIA New Delhi, Khrista Raja School Ground, Bangla Sahib Marg (Gol Dhakkana), New Delhi 110001
Tuesday 30.10.2001 20:00 BANGLADESH Dhaka, L.G.E.D. Building
Sunday 28.10.2001 11:00 SRI LANKA
Colombo, St. Joseph's Auditorium, Colombo 10
Sunday 30.09.2001 16:00 CZECH REP. Prague, palace Vystaviste, Praha 7 - Holesovice
Sunday 09.09.2001 11:00 GREECE Chania (Χανιά), Crete, Chania prison
Saturday 08.09.2001 19:30 GREECE Heraklion, Crete, Hotel Atlantis
Saturday 23.06.2001 2:30pm U. S. A.
Brooklyn, NY, Three Hierarchs Greek Orthodox Church, 1724 Avenue P, Brooklyn, New York 11229 Video
Friday 22.06.2001 2:00pm U.N.O. - O.N.U. United Nations Organization World Headquarters, New York - Siège de l'Organisation des Nations Unies - Compte-rendu
Saturday 19.05.2001 16:00 ITALIA Camponogara (Venezia), Centro Sportivo "La Pista", Via Sabbioni 5
Saturday 21.04.2001 16:00 ISRAEL  Jerusalem, YMCA, East Jerusalem
Friday 20.04.2001 18:00 ISRAEL  Nazareth, English Hospital
Wednesday 14.03.2001 19:30 SINGAPORE 
Singapore, World Trade Centre Auditorium, 11th floor, Convention Centre, 1 Maritime Square, Singapore 099253
Sunday 11.03.2001 18:00 AUSTRALIA  Perth, Hyatt Regency Perth Hotel, 99 Adelaide Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Saturday 10.03.2001 20:00 AUSTRALIA  Alice Springs, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Hartley Street, Alice Springs NT 0870
Thursday 08.03.2001 19:30 AUSTRALIA  Adelaide, Croatian Club Hall, 15 Wood Ave, Ridleyton SA 5008
Wednesday 07.03.2001 19:30 AUSTRALIA  Melbourne, Hawthorn Town Hall
Tuesday 06.03.2001 19:30 AUSTRALIA  Canberra, Ainslie Functions Centre, Ainslie Football and Social club, 52 Wakefield Avenue, Ainslie ACT 2602
Sunday 04.03.2001 15:00 AUSTRALIA  Gold Coast, Robina Community Centre, Robina Town Centre Drive (Opposite David Jones Parking), Gold Coast QLD 4226
Friday 02.03.2001 19:30 AUSTRALIA  Sydney, Sir Ian and Nancy Turbott Auditorium, Univesity of Western Sydney, Cnr Victoria Road and James Ruse Drive, Rydalmere NSW 2116
Tuesday 27.02.2001 15:30 PAPUA NEW GUINEA Port Moresby, Murray Military Barracks Chapel, Hohola road, National Capital District
Sunday 25.02.2001 15:30 PAPUA NEW GUINEA Buka, Hahela Parish Church
Sunday 25.02.2001 11:00 PAPUA NEW GUINEA Port Moresby, Morata Parish Church
Saturday 24.02.2001 14:00 PAPUA NEW GUINEA Mt. Hagen, Holy Trinity Teachers College, Ross Meer Hall
Friday 23.02.2001 15:30 PAPUA NEW GUINEA Port Moresby, Indoor Complex, Sir John Guise Stadium, Waigani, National Capital District
Monday 19.02.2001 18:00 BANGLADESH Dhaka, Bottomley Home Orphanage Grounds, Farmgate
Monday 05.02.2001 19:00 SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg, Mount Michael Waldorf School, School Auditorium, Cnr. Main and Culross Road, Bryanston
Saturday 03.02.2001 13:30 SWAZILAND
Matsapha, Multipurpose Hall, campus of the University of Swaziland, Kwaluseniu
Friday 02.02.2001 14:30 SWAZILAND
Manzini, University of Swaziland - meeting for clergy
Friday 02.02.2001 13:00 SWAZILAND
Manzini, TV interview in Chichewa and English
Thursday 01.02.2001 18:30 SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg, Maronite Church, Cnr. Western Service and Mount Lebanon Road, Woodmead
Wednesday 31.01.2001 19:30 SOUTH AFRICA Soweto, Church of the Good Shepherd, 194 Makhaya Street, Protea North
Monday 29.01.2001 09:00 MALAWI Lilongwe, Bwaila Secondary School Hall
Sunday 28.01.2001 13:00 MALAWI Blantyre, Comesa Hall
Thursday 25.01.2001 14:00 MALAWI Blantyre, Centre Culturel français, meeting for clergy
Thursday 25.01.2001 10:00 MALAWI Blantyre, radio interview translated in Chichewa
Wednesday 24.01.2001 16:00 MALAWI Blantyre, radio interview with live phone-in question session
Wednesday 24.01.2001 14:00 MALAWI Blantyre, TV interview for programme 'spiritual bag
Sunday 07.01.2001 11:00 GREECE Sounion, Belvedere Park Hotel - St. Joseph Medical Centre
Saturday 06.01.2001 20:00 GREECE Athens, Stanley Hotel, 1 Oddyseus str., Karaiskaki square, Metaxourgio
Thursday 04.01.2001 20:30 GREECE Athens, C. Giannoutsikou's house, Aiolou 10, P.Faliro
2001   - Vassula mission meeting reports - year 2001
2000   - Vassula mission meeting reports - year 2000                                                                                                                                                                   
Monday 04.12.2000 17:00 ROMANIA Bucuresti, Sala de Festivitãþi a Facultãþii de Instalaþii, Bulevardul Pache Protopopescu, nr. 66, sector 2, Bucuresti
Sunday 03.12.2000 17:00 ROMANIA Bucuresti, amfiteatrul Facultãþii de Medicinã Carol Davila Eroii Sanitari, nr. 8, sector 5, Bucuresti
Saturday 11.11.2000 13:00 PUERTO RICO Cayey, Luis Raúl "Rolo" Colón Coliseum
Saturday 28.10.2000 18:00 ITALIA Benevento, chiesa parrocchiale San Gennaro - Compte-rendu
Thursday 12.10.2000 17:30 JORDAN Jordan Amman, Arab Wings Hotel, Al Abdali street, opposite the Parliament building
Sunday 08.10.2000 17:30 LEBANON Bsalim, Stade municipal
Sunday 24.09.2000 17:00 U.K. Newcastle, St Willibrod and All Saints Church, Akenside Hill, Lower Pilgrim Street, Newcastle on Tyne, England
Saturday 23.09.2000 18:00 U.K. Edinburgh, The Methodist Central Hall, West Tollcross, Edinburgh, Scotland
Saturday 16.09.2000 16:30 ITALIA Roma, sala conferenze, Hotel Palatino, Via Cavour 213
Sunday 10.09.2000 20:00 GREECE Athens, Hotel Novotel, Michael Voda 4-6
Monday 24.07.2000 14:00 LESOTHO Roma Valley
Sunday 23.07.2000 14:30 LESOTHO Maseru, Conference Centre, Maseru Sun Cabanas, Maseru Sun Hotel, 12 Orpen Road, Maseru Bag A84
Saturday 22.07.2000 14:00 SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg, Standard Bank Arena
Friday 21.07.2000 SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg, Cathedral Place
Monday 19.06.2000 11:00 ROMANIA Oradea, Casa de Cultura a Sindicatelor, Parcul 1 Decembrie 1, 3700 Oradea
Sunday 27.05.2000 17:00 ITALIA Benevento, chiesa parrocchiale San Gennaro
Sunday 21.05.2000 16:30 ITALIA Roma, sala conferenze, Hotel Palatino, Via Cavour 213
Friday 14.04.2000 16:00 BENIN Cotonou
Thursday 13.04.2000 16:00 BENIN Cotonou
Sunday 09.04.2000 15:00 KENYA Nairobi , Kilimani Primary School
14 to 26.03.2000 ISRAEL  Bethlehem , Hotel Bethlehem, Jubilee International True Life in God Prayer Pilgrimage in Holy Land - "A Divine Bridal Call for Reconciliation and Unity"
Sunday 20.02.2000 14:30 ITALIA Roma, chiesa parrocchiale Santa Maria alle Fornaci, Piazza Santa Maria alle Fornaci - Compte-rendu
Saturday 22.01.2000 14:30 ITALIA Roma, chiesa parrocchiale Santa Maria alle Fornaci, Piazza Santa Maria alle Fornaci - Compte-rendu
2000     - Vassula mission meeting reports - year 2000
1999   - Vassula mission meeting reports - year 1999                                                                                                                                                                   
Sunday 12.12.1999 09:30 VENEZUELA Caracas, Poliedro de Caracas
Saturday 11.12.1999 09:00 VENEZUELA Coro, Gimnasio Cubierto de la Ciudad de Coro
Wednesday 08.12.1999 14:00 COLOMBIA Duitama, Coliseo del Colegio de la Comunidad Salesiana, with Fr. Fernando Umaña Montoya
Wednesday 01.12.1999 15:00 INDIA Mumbay, Tabor Ashram, Kalyan, Mumbay, Maharashtra
Tuesday 31.11.1999 18:00 INDIA Mumbay, Don Bosco's ground, Mumbay, Maharashtra
Monday 29.11.1999 13:00 INDIA Alleppey, I.M.S. Retreat Centre, Punnapra, Alappuzha Dt., Kerala
Sunday 28.11.1999 14:00 INDIA Bharananganam, Assissi Retreat Centre, Bharananganam, Kottayam Dt., Kerala
Saturday 27.11.1999 14:00 INDIA Athirampuzha, Charis Bhavan Rertreat Centre, Athirampuzha, Kottayam Dt., Kerala
Friday 26.11.1999 11:00 INDIA Manarcaud St. Mary’s Orthodox Church Auditorium, Manarcaud, Kottayam Dt., Kerala
Thursday 25.11.1999 14:00 INDIA Kollam, St. Kasmir Church Auditorium, Kollam, Kerala
Wednesday 24.11.1999 14:00 INDIA Muringoor, Divine Retreat Centre, Muringoor, Chalakudy, Trichur Dt., Kerala
Sunday 21.11.1999 18:00 INDIA Edappally, St. George Forane Church Campus, Edapally, Cochin, Kerala
Saturday 20.11.1999 17:00 INDIA Margao, Kadamba Grounds, Madel, Margao, Goa
Friday 19.11.1999 18:00 INDIA Panjim, Kala Academy Auditorium, Panjim, Goa
Wednesday 17.11.1999 14:30 INDIA Calcutta, open ground of St. Thomas's School, Calcutta, Bengal
Monday 15.11.1999 18:30 INDIA New Delhi, Sacred Heart Cathedral, Ashok Place, New Delhi 110001
Sunday 07.11.1999 10:00 U. S. A.
Pittsburgh, PA, part of the 7th annual "Steel City Medjugorje Conference"
Saturday 06.11.1999 15:00 U. S. A.
Pittsburgh, PA, part of the 7th annual "Steel City Medjugorje Conference"
Friday 05.11.1999 16:00 U. S. A.
Pittsburgh, PA, part of the 7th annual "Steel City Medjugorje Conference"
Wednesday 03.11.1999 13:00 U. S. A.
Brooklyn, NY, the Three Hierarchs Greek Orthodox Church, 1724 Avenue P, Brooklyn, New York 11229
Monday 25.10.1999 19:00 SWEDEN Gällivare, Lappland, Fjällnäs castle
Friday 22.10.1999 19:00 SWEDEN Stockholm, Johanneskyrkan
Saturday 16.10.1999 14:30 FRANCE  Le Mans, Palais des Congrès et de la Culture, rue d'Arcole
Monday 27.09.1999 20:00 GREECE Rhodos, Zoppa's house - Compte-rendu
Thursday 23.09.1999 21:30 GREECE Syros Island, Cyclades Islands, TV-Interview for Aigaios TV channel for all the Cyclades Islands (3 re-broadcastings) - Compte-rendu
Monday 20.09.1999 20:00 GREECE Rhodos, Santa Maria della Vittoria Church - Compte-rendu
Saturday 18.09.1999 20:00 GREECE Rhodos, Saint Francis Church - Compte-rendu
Friday 20.08.1999 20:00 GREECE Rhodos, Santa Maria della Vittoria Church - Compte-rendu
Wednesday 11.08.1999 18:00 BANGLADESH Dhaka, on the Bottomley Home High School grounds.
Tuesday 10.08.1999 17:00 BANGLADESH Dhaka, press conference at the Dhaka Press Club.
Saturday 07.08.1999 17:30 JAPAN Tôkyô, Arcadia Ichigaya (Shigaku Kaikan), 3rd floor
Wednesday 06.08.1999 17:30 JAPAN Fukuoka, Kyushu
Wednesday 04.08.1999 18:30 JAPAN Hiroshima, Shingonshu "Myôjôin" Kaikan Buddhist Temple, Hiroshima-Shi, Higashi-Ku, Futaba no Sato 2-6-25
Tuesday 03.08.1999 18:30 JAPAN Kôbé, Kinrô Kaikan, 5th floor, rooms 404 et 405, Kobe-Shi, Chuo-Ku, Kumoidôri 5-1-2
Thursday 15.07.1999 18:00 RUSSIA Moskva, Mary's House + interview for Moskva & St.Petersbourg religious radio channel "Sofia"
Wednesday 14.07.1999 18:00 RUSSIA Moskva, Parish of Saints Kosma and Damian, Public Library, Stoleshnikov 2, 103009 Moskva
Sunday 18.04.1999 17:30 LEBANON Hamra, Auditorium St. François des Capucins, près du cinéma Saroulla
Saturday 17.04.1999 20:00 LEBANON Beyrouth, salle de l'église St. Elie, à Antelias
Thursday 15.04.1999 19:30 SWITZERLAND  Lausanne, Grande Salle de Vennes Video
Friday 26.03.1999 20:00 BRASIL Porto Ale
gre RS (Rio Grande do Sul), Ginásio da Brigada Militar, Av. Ipiranga esquina Av. Silva Só
Thursday 25.03.1999 19:00 BRASIL Florianópolis (SC), Ginásio de Esporte do Colégio Aderbal Ramos Da Silva, Rua Antonio Gomes
Wednesday 24.03.1999 19:00 BRASIL Lauro de Freitas (Salvador da Bahia), Jockey Clube da Bahia, Av. Luís Tarquínio Pontes, s/n
Monday 22.03.1999 19:00 BRASIL São José dos Campos (SP), Teatrão, Rua Ricardo Edwards 95, Vila Industrial
Sunday 21.03.1999 19:00 BRASIL Belo Horizonte (MG), Ginásio de Esporte Clube Ginástic0, Av. Afonso Pena 3328, Bairro Cruzeiro
Saturday 20.03.1999 18:30 BRASIL Vitória (ES), Ginásio de Esportes do Exército, Prainha da Vila Velha
Friday 19.03.1999 19:00 BRASIL Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Concha Acústica da UERJ, Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524, Maracanã (Junto a estação do Metrô)
Saturday 20.02.1999 19:30 NEW ZEALAND Auckland, Epsom Girls' Grammar School Hall, Corner Silver Road & Gillies Avenue
Friday 19.02.1999 19:30 NEW ZEALAND Hamilton, Te Rapa Racecourse Lounge
Thursday 18.02.1999 19:30 NEW ZEALAND Hastings, Hastings Municipal Theatre
Sunday 14.02.1999 14:00 THAILAND Bangkok, Redeemer Hall, Ruam Rudee Lane
Saturday 13.02.1999 14:00 THAILAND Mt. Tabor, Tabor Prayer Centre, Ampher Si Swasda, Kanchana Buri Province
Thursday 14.01.99 17:00 LESOTHO Maseru, Conference Centre, Maseru Sun Cabanas, Maseru Sun Hotel, 12 Orpen Road, Maseru Bag A84
Tuesday 12.01.1999 10:00 ZAMBIA Lusaka, UNZA Main Campus, New Education Theatre
Monday 11.01.1999 09:00 ZAMBIA Kabwe, Chowa Hall
Saturday 09.01.1999 15:00 KENYA Nairobi, Uhuru Park
1999  - Vassula mission meeting reports - year 1999
1998  - Vassula mission meeting reports - year 1998                                                                                                                                                                     
Thursday 17.12.1998 15:00 VENEZUELA Caracas, Teatro del Colegio María Auxiliadora.7ª Tranversal, entre 3ª y 4ª Avenida, Altamira, Caracas
Sunday 22.11.1998 16:00 U. S. A.
San Francisco, CA, Herbst Theatre (in War Memorial Bldg/Civic Center, 401 Van Ness Ave. (at McAllister
Saturday 21.11.1998 19:00 U. S. A.
Denver, CO, Landmark Inn Hotel, 455 S. Colorado Blvd., Glendale, CO 80246
Friday 20.11.1998 19:00 U. S. A.
Houston, TX, The Woodlands Presbyterian Church, 4881 W. Panther Creek Dr., The Woodands, Tx 77381
Thursday 19.11.1998 19:00 U. S. A.
St. Louis, MO, Viking Restaurant and Conference Ctr., Watson Rd. & Lindbergh Blvd
Monday 16.11.1998 19:00 CANADA Ottawa, Jésus Rassemble Son Peuple, 221 rue Baribeau, Vanier, coin Durocher et Carillon
Sunday 15.11.1998 14:00 CANADA Shawinigan, Province de Québec, Centre des Arts de Shawinigan, 2100 blvd. des Hêtres
Sunday 01.11.1998 16:00 CANADA London, Ontario, London Convention Centre, 300 York St.
Saturday 31.10.1998 10:00 U. S. A.
Pittsburgh, PA, part of the "Steel City Medjugorje Conference"
Friday 30.10.1998 15:00 U. S. A.
Pittsburgh, PA, part of the "Steel City Medjugorje Conference"
Wednesday 28.10.1998 19:00 U. S. A. Lakeland, FL, Sheraton Hotel, Lakeland
Monday 26.10.1998 17:00 U. S. A. Minneapolis, MN, Hill-Murray School Auditorium, 2625 Larpenteur Ave. East, Maplewood, MN
Sunday 25.10.1998 17:00 U. S. A. Chicago, IL, Oak Park/River Forest High School Auditorium, 201 N. Scoville Ave., Oak Park, IL 60302
Saturday 24.10.1998 19:00 U. S. A. New York City, NY, Best Western Hotel and Conference Center, 80 Clinton St., Hempstead, NY 11550
Friday 23.10.1998 U.N.O. - O.N.U. United Nations Organization World Headquarters, New York - Siège de l'Organisation des Nations Unies
Saturday 17.10.1998 14:00 FRANCE  Lyon, Bourse du Travail, Salle des Fêtes Albert Thomas, Place Guichard
Sunday 20.09.1998 10:45 ITALIA Cattólica (Rimini), XII Convegno Internazionale del Movimento della Speranza
Thursday 06.08.1998 21:00 ARGENTINA Buenos Aires, Círculo Militar - reunión para los sacerdotes
Wednesday 05.08.1998 20:00 ARGENTINA Buenos Aires, Templo de la Comunidad Cristiana, Condarco 1440
Tuesday 04.08.1998 20:00 URUGUAY Montevideo, Parroquia de Belen
Saturday 01.08.1998 17:00 ARGENTINA Salta, Delmi
Monday 27.07.1998 18:30 GERMANY Freiburg, Kolpinghaus, Karlstr. 7
Sunday 26.07.1998 14:00 GERMANY Saarbrücken, Kongreßhalle
Saturday 25.07.1998 14:00 GERMANY Langerwehe bei Düren, Kulturhalle, Ortsmitte
Sunday 19.07.1998 13:30 SLOVENIJA Ljubljana
Saturday 18.07.1998 13:30 SLOVENIJA Ljubljana
Thursday 16.07.1998 19:30 SWITZERLAND  Lausanne, Maison du Peuple, place Chauderon 5
Sunday 05.07.1998 14:30 FRANCE  Gex, Grande Salle de l'Espace omnisports Perdtemps
Wednesday 03.06.1998 GREECE Athens, interview for TV Video Studio- Compte-rendu
Monday 01.06.1998 19:30 GREECE Athens, Theatro Akropol, Ippokratous 9-11- Compte-rendu
Sunday 03.05.1998 ISRAEL  Jérusalem, Réunion Oecuménique Internationale de la Vraie Vie en Dieu
Saturday 02.05.1998 ISRAEL  Jérusalem, Réunion Oecuménique Internationale de la Vraie Vie en Dieu
Thursday 19.03.1998 19:30 SWITZERLAND  Lausanne, Grande Salle de Vennes
Saturday 14.03.1998 19:30 AUSTRALIA  Hobart, Tasmania, Theatre 2, University Center
Friday 13.03.1998 19:00 AUSTRALIA  Melbourne, Xavier College Hall, Barkers Road, Kew VIC 3101
Thursday 12.03.1998 13:00 AUSTRALIA  Sydney, Interview for " The Midday Show " on TV Channel 9
Thursday 12.03.1998 12:00 AUSTRALIA  Sydney, NSW, Interview with Greek Review "
Wednesday 11.03.1998 19:00 AUSTRALIA  Sydney, NSW, Chastwood Town Hall, Victoria Ave., Chastwood
Tuesday 10.03.1998 AUSTRALIA  Sydney, ABC Radio Channel, interview of Vassula
Sunday 08.03.1998 11:00 PAPUA NEW GUINEA Hohola (Port Moresby), Sacred Heart Chapel
Sunday 08.03.1998 07:00 PAPUA NEW GUINEA Port Moresby, Bomana Prison- Compte-rendu
Saturday 07.03.1998 15:00 PAPUA NEW GUINEA Boroko (Port Moresby), St. Joseph Parish Hall
Wednesday 04.03.1998 19:00 THAILAND Bangkok, Holy Redeemer Parish Hall
Friday 20.02.1998 15:30 PERU Lima, Ave. San Felipe 630, Mgr Oscar Alzamora (aux.Bishop of Lima) + 20 prêtres
Friday 20.02.1998 15:00 PERU Lima, Ave. San Felipe 630, interview for reporters "El Sol" & "Caretas"
Friday 20.02.1998 11:00 PERU Lima, Prison Lurigancho
Thursday 19.02.1998 10:30 CHILE Santiago, Visitation Monastery
Wednesday 18.02.1998 17:30 CHILE Santiago, Auditorium Juan Bosco, Collège des Salésiens
Wednesday 18.02.1998 10:00 CHILE Santiago, prison pour femmes
Monday 16.02.1998 ECUADOR Quito, Fondación Jesus de Misericordia
Sunday 15.02.1998 19:00 PERU Lima, Museo De Osma, distrito de Barranco
Saturday 14.02.1998 12:00 PERU Lima, Museo De Osma, distrito de Barranco, press conference for several TV, newspapres and magazines reporters
Saturday 14.02.1998 10:00 PERU Lima, recording for TV Canal 17
Sunday 01.02.1998 INDIA Cochin, Kerala, Ashirbhaban Parish Hall
Saturday 31.01.1998 19:30 INDIA Alleppey, Keralan Mission Society (IMS) Centre
Saturday 31.01.1998 14:30 INDIA Mangalapuzha, Alwaye, Kerala, St Joseph's Pontifical Seminary
Friday 30.01.1998 15:30 INDIA Cochin, Kerala, St Mary Basilica
Thursday 29.01.1998 INDIA Mahim (Bombay), Maharashtra, Cannosia Monastery High School
Wednesday 28.01.1998 18:00 INDIA Manickpur-Vesei (Bombay), Maharashtra, St Augustine's School
Wednesday 28.01.1998 INDIA Chicalim, Goa, Carmel Monastery
Tuesday 27.01.1998 17:00 INDIA Vasco da Gama, Goa, Marmagoa Port Trust grounds
Sunday 25.01.1998 17:00 INDIA Margao, Goa, at Lohia Maidan
Saturday 24.01.1998 18:00 INDIA Panaji, Goa, Kala Academy
Saturday 24.01.1998 11:30 INDIA Panaji, Goa, TV Headquarters - 30 min.recording
Friday 23.01.1998 INDIA Goa - Compte-rendu
Thursday 22.01.1998 15:00 INDIA Muringoor, Kerala
Wednesday 21.01.1998 19:30 INDIA Vadavathoor, Kottayam, Kerala
Wednesday 21.01.1998 15:00 INDIA Kottayam, Kerala
Tuesday 20.01.1998 15:30 INDIA Palai, Kerala
Wednesday 14.01.1998 10:00 PHILIPPINES Quezon (Manila), Quezon City Prison
Tuesday 13.01.1998 18:30 PHILIPPINES Mandaluyong (Manila), Green Hills Theatre
Monday 12.01.1998 18:00 PHILIPPINES Kamunig Quezon (Manila), Sacred Heart's Parish Church
Sunday 11.01.1998 17:00 PHILIPPINES Tuguegarao, Baseball Hall
Saturday 10.01.98 PHILIPPINES Manila
Friday 09.01.1998 BANGLADESH Dhaka
1998     - Vassula mission meeting reports - year 1998
1997    - Vassula mission meeting reports - year 1997                                                                                                                                                     
Thursday 18.12.1997 19:30 SWITZERLAND Lausanne, Grande Salle de Vennes - Compte-rendu
Saturday 13.12.1997 17:00 ESPAÑA Madrid, Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos, Paseo de la Castellana 99
Monday 01.12.1997 14:30 GERMANY Barlo / Bocholt Gaststätte Wissing-Flinzenberg
Saturday 29.11.1997 17:00 GERMANY Nümbrecht, Ortsteil Marienberghausen Dorfgemeinschaftshaus in Marienberghausen - Compte-rendu
Friday 28.11.1997 14:00 GERMANY Taufkirchen (München), Ritter-Hilprand-Hof, Köglweg 5 beim Rathaus
Thursday 27.11.1997 18:00 AUSTRIA Wien, Haus der Begegnung Donaustadt, 22. Bezirk, Schrödingerplatz (Nähe Uno City, Nähe U1 Station Kagran)
Wednesday 26.11.1997 18:00 AUSTRIA Salzburg, Salzburg - Kongreßhaus - Compte-rendu
Thursday 20.11.1997 19:30 SWITZERLAND Lausanne, Maison du Peuple, place Chauderon 5 - Compte-rendu
Sunday 16.11.1997 14:00 FRANCE Laval, Parc des Expositions de Laval, 84 boulevard des Loges, F-53940 Saint-Berthevin
Saturday 15.11.1997 14:00 FRANCE Toulouse, Salle Mermoz, Piscine Municipale Alfred Nakache, Allée Gabriel Biénes
Friday 14.11.1997 20:00 FRANCE Nice, Hôtel Méridien, 1 Promenade des Anglais, F-06000            
Wednesday 12.11.1997 20:00 FRANCE Paris, Salle de la Mutualité, 24 rue Saint-Victor, F-75005, with Fr. Fernando Umaña Montoya    
Saturday 18.10.1997 17:00 BRASIL Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul) no Ginásio da Brigada Militar, Av. Ipiranga esquina Av. Silva Só
Friday 17.10.1997 19:00 BRASIL Joinville (Santa Catarina)
Thursday 16.10.1997 19:30 BRASIL Curitiba (Paraná), Ginásio de Esportes "Palacio de Cristal", Largo Bettencourt 187
Tuesday 14.10.1997 19:00 BRASIL Fortaleza (Ceará), Ginásio do Colégio Cearense
Monday 13.10.1997 19:30 BRASIL Viçosa (Minas Gerais), Campo de Atlético
Sunday 12.10.1997 19:30 BRASIL Brasília (Distrito Federal), Ginásio de Esportes Nilson Nelson, Eixo Monumental
Saturday 11.10.1997 14:00 BRASIL Campinas (São Paulo), Escola Preparatória de Cadetes do Exército, Av. Papa Pio XII, 350
Sunday 21.09.1997 15:00 U.K. Belfast (N. Ireland), Waterfront Hall
Saturday 20.09.1997 16:30 U.K. Cardiff (Wales), The Great Hall, Student's Union, Seghennydd Road
Friday 19.09.1997 16:00 U.K. Abingdon (near Oxford), England, Stonehill House, Stonehill
Thursday 21.08.1997 19:30 SWITZERLAND Lausanne, Maison du Peuple, place Chauderon 5
Tuesday 05.08.1997 U. S. A. Ashkon, Illinois (60 miles south of Chicago), parish church
Monday 04.08.97 19:30 U. S. A. Elmhurst, Illinois, Elhurst American Legion Hall, 310 W. Butterfield Rd.
Sunday 03.08.97 16:00 U. S. A. Allston, Massachusetts, St Anthony School Hall
Saturday 02.08.1997 09:30 U. S. A. Greenville, South Carolina, Hyatt Regency Hotel, 220 N. Main St / Beattie St
Monday 21.07.1997 JAPAN - Compte-rendu
Friday 18.07.1997 JAPAN Shibuya (Tokyo), Forum 8
Friday 11.07.1997 JAPAN Yokohama
Sunday 06.07.1997 14:00 JAPAN Umeda (Tokyo), église d'Umeda
Friday 04.07.1997 JAPAN Roppongi (Tokyo), Franciscan Chapel Center
Monday 30.06.1997 JAPAN Tokyo, magazine MOU, interview Vassula, thème: les anges
Monday 30.06.1997 JAPAN Kobe
Friday 27.06.1997 JAPAN Tokyo
Thursday 26.06.1997 JAPAN Shinanomachi (Tokyo)
Monday 23.06.1997 JAPAN Sapporo, Hokkaïdô, Hôtel Garden Palace
Sunday 22.06.1997 JAPAN Osaka, Hôtel Garden Palace
Saturday 21.06.1997 JAPAN Tokyo, Shiba-Seinen Kaïkan Hall
Friday 20.06.1997 10:30 JAPAN Maison Provinciale des Salésiens - Compte-rendu
27.05 - 08.06.1997 GREECE Grece Rhodos, Patmos and Simi Island - The very First True Life in God International Ecumenical Pilgrimage - Rhodos 1997 - Lomeniz Blue Hotel, Kavourakia Beach, Koskinou, Kallithea, Rhodos Island, 851 00 Greece
Thursday 15.05.1997 19:30 SWITZERLAND Lausanne, Maison du Peuple, place Chauderon 5 - Compte-rendu
Saturday 03.05.1997 13:00 SWITZERLAND Bâle, Mustermesse Grosser Festsaal
Thursday 01.05.1997 13:00 SWITZERLAND Genève, Salle Palexpo, Salon du Livre 97, Vassula invitée à témoigner au Salon du Livre
Tuesday 29.04.1997 18:00 ISRAEL  Jerusalem, monastère des Pauvres Clarisses
Tuesday 29.04.1997 11:00 ISRAEL  Jerusalem, Israel TV "Art Magazine" Gethsemani+Via Dolorosa+Mount Olives, with Arabic & Hebrew sub-titles
Monday 28.04.1997 19:00 ISRAEL  Nazareth, Centre de la Sainte Famille
Monday 28.04.1997 09:00 ISRAEL  Haïfa, station de radio "ELSHATE", Vassula témoigne à la radio durant 90 minutes
Thursday 24.04.1997 ISRAEL  Jerusalem, réunion de prière
Wednesday 23.04.1997 ISRAEL  Tantour, Institut Oecuménique de Tantour
Saturday 19.04.1997 ITALIA Milano - Compte-rendu
Thursday 17.04.1997 19:30 SWITZERLAND Lausanne, Grande Salle de Vennes - Compte-rendu
Thursday 27.03.1997 GERMANY Fulda - Compte-rendu
Wednesday 26.03.1997 GERMANY Fulda - Compte-rendu
Tuesday 25.03.1997 GERMANY Fulda - Compte-rendu
Sunday 23.03.1997 14:00 GERMANY Berlin
Saturday 22.03.1997 GERMANY Fulda
Friday 21.03.1997 19:30 GERMANY Stolberg bei Aachen, "Rolandshaus" Grosser Saal (gegenüber dem Bethlehem Krankenhaus) - Compte-rendu
Thursday 20.03.1997 19:00 GERMANY Cloppenburg/Bethen, "Haus Maria Rast" (neben der Wallfahrtskirche)
Sunday 09.03.1997 15:00 GERMANY Norderstedt / Hamburg, Norderstedt Forum Murbeckstrasse 15
Saturday 08.03.1997 15:00 GERMANY Königstein, Taunus im "Haus der Begegnung", Bischoff-Kaller Str.
Friday 07.03.1997 19:00 GERMANY Fulda, "Orangerie" (gegenüber dem Dom)
Thursday 06.03.1997 GERMANY Augsburg
Saturday 01.03.1997 13:00 AUSTRIA Bregenz, grossen Festspiel- und Kongressaal - Compte-rendu
Saturday 22.02.1997 14:00 BELGIQUE Bruxelles, Auditorium 2000 (derrière le Palais 10 du Heisel)
Thursday 20.02.1997 19:30 SWITZERLAND Lausanne, Grande Salle de Vennes - Compte-rendu
Saturday 25.01.1997 14:00 NEDERLAND ’s-Hertogenbosch, Sportcentrum De Maaspoort, Marathonloop 1
Wednesday 15.01.1997 PHILIPPINES Manila, at Green Hills Theater
Sunday 12.01.1997 PHILIPPINES Cebu, at Coliseum (Sport Center)
Thursday 09.01.1997 INDONESIA Surabaya - Jakarta
Sunday 05.01.1997 13:00 CANADA Prince George, British Columbia, Vanier Hall, Prince George Senior Secondary School
Saturday 04.01.1997 11:00 CANADA Prince George, British Columbia, Vanier Hall, Prince George Senior Secondary School
1997    - Vassula mission meeting reports - year 1997
Thursday 19.12.1996 19:30 SWITZERLAND Lausanne, Grande Salle de Vennes
Sunday 15.12.1996 16:00 U. S. A. San Francisco, Marina District, Palace of Fine Arts Theatre, 3301 Lyon St.
Saturday 14.12.1996 18:00 CANADA Vancouver, BC, War Memorial Gym, University of British Columbia, 6081 University Blvd.
Friday 13.12.1996 19:00 U. S. A. Seattle, Washington, Seattle Center, Snoqualmie Room
Thursday 12.12.1996 19:00 U. S. A. Milwaukee, Oregon, New Hope Community Church
Tuesday 10.12.1996 19:00 U. S. A. San Antonio, Texas, Municipal Auditorium, 100 Auditorium Circle
Monday 09.12.1996 U. S. A. Boerne, Texas, Benedictine Omega Retreat Center, 146 W. Highland, Boerne, TX 78006-2516
Sunday 08.12.1996 16:00 U. S. A. Denver, Colorado, Colorado Convention Center Currigan Hall, 838 14th St.
Saturday 07.12.1996 08:30 U. S. A. Los Angeles, California, Park Plaza Hotel, 607 S Parkview St (08:30 - 18:00)
Friday 06.12.1996 19:00 U. S. A. Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, Mount Mary CollegeAuditorium, 2900 Menomonee River Parkway
Thursday 05.12.1996 19:00 U. S. A. Las Vegas, Aladdin Hotel, 3667 So. Las Vegas Blvd.
Tuesday 03.12.1996 19:00 U. S. A. Phoenix, Arizona, Celebrity Theatre, 440 No. 32nd St.
Thursday 21.11.1996 19:30 SWITZERLAND Lausanne, Maison du Peuple, place Chauderon 5
Sunday 17.11.1996 17:00 U. S. A. St Louis, Missouri, Adam's Mark Hotel, corner Fourth St./Chestnut Av.
Saturday 16.11.1996 18:00 U. S. A. Minneapolis, Minn., University of Minnesota Northrup Auditorium, 84 Church St. SE
Friday 15.11.1996 19:30 U. S. A. Indianapolis, Indiana, The Ritz-Charles Meeting Facility, 12156 N. Meridian St., Carmel, (3 miles north of I-465 / U.S.31)
Wednesday 13.11.1996 19:00 U. S. A. Atlanta, Georgia, Gwinnet Civic and Cultural Center Theatre, 6400 Sugarloaf Parkway, Duluth, GA
Tuesday 12.11.1996 U. S. A. Washington, DC, World Bank Headquarters
Monday 11.11.1996 18:30 U. S. A. Rockville, Maryland, Richard Montgomery High School, 250 Richard Montgomery Drive
Sunday 10.11.1996 16:00 U. S. A. Goose Creek (18 miles north of Charleston), South Carolina, Goose Creek High School
Saturday 09.11.1996 18:00 U. S. A. Lakeland (between Tampa and Orlando), Florida, Lakeland Center, 700 W. Lemon St., Lakeland
Friday 08.11.1996 19:00 U. S. A. New York City, Best Western Hotel & Conference Center, 80 Clinton St., Hempstead, N.Y.11550
Saturday 19.10.1996 11:30 IRELAND Dublin, Point Theatre
Sunday 13.10.1996 19:30 SWEDEN Stockholm, Gustav Vasa Kyrkan
Saturday 12.10.1996 19:00 SWEDEN Göteborg, Vasa kyrkan (Lutheran)
Friday 11.10.1996 19:00 SWEDEN Malmö, St Laurentii kyrkan
Thursday 19.09.1996 19:30 SWITZERLAND  Lausanne, Maison du Peuple, Place Chauderon 5
Thursday 18.07.1996 19:30 SWITZERLAND  Lausanne, Maison du Peuple, Place Chauderon 5
Sunday 23.06.1996 15:30 POLSKA Tychy, Stade des sports GKS
Saturday 22.06.1996 14:00 POLSKA Olsztyn, Stade municipal
Friday 21.06.1996 17:00 POLSKA Varsovie, Stade des sports "Skra"
Thursday 20.06.1996 19:30 SWITZERLAND  Lausanne, Maison du Peuple, Place Chauderon 5
Sunday 16.06.1996 GERMANY
Saturday 08.06.1996 12:00 CANADA Montréal, Qc, Palais des Congrès, 201 Viger ouest
30.05.1996 - 3 June 1996 SWEDEN
Saturday 25.05.1996 EGYPT Cairo, meeting hosted by a Coptic Orthodox family
Tuesday 21.05.1996 EGYPT Alexandria
Monday 20.05.1996 EGYPT Maadi
Monday 20.05.1996 EGYPT El Zeitoun Coptic Orthodox Church of the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin
Saturday 18.05.1996 EGYPT Cairo, meeting hosted by a family in Dokki
Saturday 18.05.1996 EGYPT Cairo, St George Greek Orthodox Church "Mar Girgis"
Friday 17.05.1996 EGYPT Cairo, Maronite parish
Thursday 16.05.1996 EGYPT Cairo, Catholic Convent
Saturday 11.05.1996 BELGIQUE Kortrijk                      
Friday 03.05.1996 19:30 ESPAÑA Barcelona, Edificio Banca Catalana
Thursday 02.05.1996 18:00 ESPAÑA Las Palmas, Centro Cívico "La Ballena" (Frente al Recinto Ferial)
Tuesday 30.04.1996 19:30 ESPAÑA Murcia, église paroissiale
Monday 29.04.1996 17:00 ESPAÑA Madrid, Palacio de los Congresos
Sunday 28.04.1996 18:00 ESPAÑA Madrid, Palacio de los Congresos
Saturday 27.04.1996 18:00 ESPAÑA Sevilla, Alcalá de Guadavia
Friday 26.04.1996 18:30 ESPAÑA Bilbao, Centro Llarrea
Saturday 20.04.1996 20:30 IRELAND Limerick, University of Limerick
Thursday 21.03.1996 19:30 SWITZERLAND  Lausanne, Maison du Peuple, place Chauderon 5
Sunday 21.01.1996 14:30 SWITZERLAND  Genève, Salle de Congrès Aréna (Aéroport de Genève)
Thursday 21.12.1995 ISRAEL  Jerusalem, Armenian Orthodox Patriarchate Hall
Wednesday 20.12.1995 ISRAEL  Bethlehem
Wednesday 20.12.1995 ISRAEL  Jifna, Latin Catholic Parish Hall
Tuesday 19.12.1995 ISRAEL  Ramallah, Latin Catholic Parish Hall
Monday 18.12.1995 ISRAEL  Ibilin, University Sport's Hall of Fr. Shakour
Sunday 17.12.1995 ISRAEL  Melia, Melkite Parish Hall
Saturday 16.12.1995 ISRAEL Nazareth, Fr. Farahsh's Melkite retreat center
Friday 15.12.1995 ISRAEL  Haifa, Latin Catholic Parish Hall
Saturday 18.11.1995 U.K. London, England, Friend's House Main Hall, Euston Road
Thursday 16.11.1995 19:30 SWITZERLAND  Lausanne, Maison du Peuple, Place Chauderon 5
Tuesday 31.10.1995 18:30 ESPAÑA Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Paroquia del Sagrado Corazón
Monday 30.10.1995 16:30 ESPAÑA Bilbao, Convento de Pasionistas
Sunday 29.10.1995 17:30 ESPAÑA Sevilla, Convento de Santa Isabel
Saturday 28.10.1995 17:30 ESPAÑA Madrid, Templo de Maria Reparadora
Friday 27.10.1995 18:30 ESPAÑA Barcelona, Colegio La Salle Bonanova
Thursday 26.10.1995 18:30 ESPAÑA Palma de Mallorca, Iglesia de Santa Catalina
Tuesday 24.10.1995 14:00 NEDERLAND RTL4 National TV channel, Vassula talk on Angels
Monday 16.10.1995 19:00 URUGUAY Montevideo, Parroquia de Belen
Sunday 15.10.1995 19:00 ARGENTINA Buenos Aires, Catedral Católica Armenia Nuestra Señora de Narek, Charcas 3529
Saturday 14.10.1995 19:00 ARGENTINA Mar de Plata (Buenos Aires), Hotel Provincial
Friday 13.10.1995 19:00 ARGENTINA San Miguel de Tucumán, en el Teatro
Thursday 12.10.1995 11:00 ARGENTINA Tucumán, Monasterio benedictino "El Siambón" S.Miguel de Tucumán, Centro de Estudios S.Miguel Arcángel
Saturday 30.09.1995 ITALIA Ragusa, Teatro Don Bosco
Saturday 23.09.1995 09:45 CANADA Peterborough, Ontario, Peterborough Memorial Centre
Sunday 17.09.1995 DANMARK København, KFUM (YMCA) Festsal
Saturday 16.09.1995 19:00 SWEDEN Stockholm, Katarina kyrkan (Lutheran), Högbergsg.15
Friday 15.09.1995 SWEDEN Göteborg, Vasakirkan (Lutheran)
Thursday 14.09.1995 NORWAY Oslo, Hall of The Salvation Army
Saturday 02.09.1995 14:30 NEDERLAND Hilversum, St. Vituskerk, Emmastraat 7
Thursday 20.07.1995 19:30 SWITZERLAND  Lausanne, Maison du Peuple, Place Chauderon 5
Sunday 09.07.1995 09:00 BRASIL São Carlos (São Paulo), Praça Getúlio Vargas
Friday 07.07.1995 19:00 BRASIL Joinville (Santa Catarina), Catedral do Bispado
Thursday 06.07.1995 19:00 BRASIL Curitiba (Paraná), Ginásio de Esportes "Palacio de Cristal", Largo Bettencourt 187
Tuesday 04.07.1995 20:30 BRASIL Brasília (DF), Ginásio Academia Militar
Sunday 02.07.1995 16:00 BRASIL Manaus (Amazonas), Stúdio 5, Estrada do Contorno - Japiim I
Saturday 01.07.1995 15:00 BRASIL Maceió (Alagoas), Ginásio do Sesi, Av. Siqueira Campos, Bairro: Trapichi
Friday 30.06.1995 18:00 BRASIL Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Concha Acústica da UERJ, Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524, Maracanã
Thursday 29.06.1995 18:00 BRASIL Rio de Janeiro (RJ), igreja de São Francisco Xavier (Tijuca)
Tuesday 27.06.1995 PORTUGAL Requião, Vila Nova de Famalicão, Fraternidade Missionária de Cristo-Jovem
Thursday 22.06.1995 19:30 SWITZERLAND  Lausanne, Maison du Peuple, Place Chauderon 5
Wednesday 31.05.1995 ISRAEL  Bethlehem University
Tuesday 30.05.1995 ISRAEL  Beir Zeit, Arabic Latin Catholic Parish Church
Monday 29.05.1995 ISRAEL  Jifna, Arabic Latin Catholic Parish Church
Sunday 07.05.1995 PANAMA
Saturday 06.05.1995 14:00 PUERTO RICO Puerto Rico, Teatro de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico
Sunday 23.04.1995 08:30 U. S. A. Los Angeles, California, Los Angeles Convention Center, 1201 S, Figueroa St.
Saturday 01.04.1995 16:00 JAPAN Osaka (Honshu), Garden Palace Hotel, Shin-Osaka
Friday 31.03.1995 19:00 JAPAN Beppu (Kyushu), Sugunoi Hotel, 2272 Kankaiji, Beppu-shi
Friday 31.03.1995 JAPAN Oïta (Kyushu)
Thursday 30.03.1995 19:00 JAPAN Tokyo, Mitsukoshi Silverhouse Guest House, 6-8-18 Fukazawa, Setagaya-ku
Sunday 26.03.1995 ITALIA Gera Lario
Saturday 25.03.1995 15:00 SWITZERLAND  Genève, Université, Auditoire Piaget, 24 rue du Général Dufour, avec le père Fernando Umaña Montoya (Fondateur du Foyer de Charité de Zipaquirá, Colombie)
Saturday 18.03.1995 14:30 FRANCE Paris, Palais des Congrès, 2 place de la Porte Maillot 
Thursday 16.03.1995 19:30 SWITZERLAND  Lausanne, Maison du Peuple, Place Chauderon 5
Sunday 12.03.1995 ITALIA Napoli
Saturday 11.03.1995 ITALIA Roma
Saturday 04.03.1995 14:00 AUSTRIA Linz, Pfarrkirche Herz-Jesu
Sunday 26.02.1995 18:00 INDONESIA Yogya, Gedung Serbaguna Graha Wana Bhakti Yasa
Saturday 25.02.1995 18:00 INDONESIA Jakarta, The Senayan Basket Hall Stadium
Friday 24.02.1995 14:30 INDONESIA Jakarta, TV interview recording
Saturday 18.02.1995 BANGLADESH Dhaka
Saturday 11.02.1995 17:45 BELGIQUE Beauraing, Sanctuaire Marial                      
Saturday 04.02.1995 BOSNA i HERCEGOVINA Međugorje
Friday 03.02.1995 19:30 HRVATSKA (CROATIA) Split - Dvorana konkatedrale sv. Petra (Concathedral St Peter hall) - Vassula was guest of Mons. Frane Franic, Archbishop of Split and was presented by Fr. Ljudevit Rupčić (priest of Međugorje)
Friday 03.02.1995 10:00 HRVATSKA (CROATIA) Split - Audience granted to Vassula by Mons Frane Franić, Archbishop of Split, Nadbiskupski Ordinarijat, Poljana kneza Trpimira 7, Split
Thursday 02.02.1995 17:00 HRVATSKA (CROATIA) Zagreb - Kongresna dvorana "Globus" Zagrebački velesajam - Novi Zagreb (Zagreb Fair "Globus" Congress Hall)
Thursday 02.02.1995 10:00 HRVATSKA (CROATIA) Zagreb - Nadbiskupski Duhovni Stol, Kaptol 31 - Audience granted to Vassula by HE Franjo Cardinal Kuharić, Archbishop of Zagreb
Wednesday 01.02.1995 19:00 HRVATSKA (CROATIA) Otok - crkva Sv. Anton (St. Anton church)
Wednesday 01.02.1995 10:00 HRVATSKA (CROATIA) Osijek, Franjevačka crkva Svetog Križa (the Holy Cross church, in the Franciscan Monastery), Trg Lisinskoga 3, Osijek
Wednesday 01.02.1995 08:00 HRVATSKA (CROATIA) Đakovo, Audience granted to Vassula by Mons Ciril Kos, bishop of Djakovo o Bosna i Srijem, Nadbiskupski Ordinarijat, Strossmayerov trg 6, Đakovo, Archdiocese of Đakovo-Osijek
Tuesday 31.01.1995 16:00 HRVATSKA (CROATIA) Đakovo - crkva Presvetoga Srca Isusova, samostan sestara Svetog Križa (the Sacred Heart of Jesus church, in the Convent of the St.Cross nuns)
Sunday 29.01.1995 13:30 MAGYARORSZAG (HUNGARY) Budapest, Szent Család templom (Holy Family Parish Church)
Saturday 28.01.1995 12:30 MAGYARORSZAG (HUNGARY) Budapest, Városmajori Jézus Szíve templom (Jesus' Sacred Heart Parish Church in Városmajor)
Saturday 21.01.1995 ESPAÑA Barcelona
Sunday 18.12.1994 18:00 ARGENTINA Buenos Aires, Catedral Católica Armenia Nuestra Señora de Narek, Charcas 3529
Wednesday 14.12.1994 CHILE Santiago de Chile
Sunday 11.12.1994 16:00 PERU Lima, Coliseo del Colegio Alfonso Ugarte, San Agustín, Paseo de la República / Av.Javier Prado
Monday 28.11.1994 20:30 FRANCE Dijon, église Saint Bernard, boul. Alexandre de Yougoslavie
Sunday 27.11.1994 14:30 FRANCE Caen, Centre des Congrès, 13 boul. Albert Sorel
Saturday 26.11.1994 14:30 FRANCE Rennes, Salle Omnisports, Esplanade du Général de Gaulle
Friday 25.11.1994 20:30 FRANCE Bordeaux, Palais des Congrès, rue Cardinal Richard, F-33300 Bordeaux-le-Lac
Thursday 24.11.1994 20:30 FRANCE Pau, Foire-Expo de Pau, 7 boul. Champetier de Ribes
Wednesday 23.11.1994 20:30 FRANCE Thierenbach, Pèlerinage de Thierenbach, F68500 Jungholz
Monday 21.11.1994 20:30 FRANCE Sauvian, Béziers, Salle Polyvalente, F34410 Sauvian
Sunday 20.11.1994 14:30 FRANCE Marseille, Château des Fleurs, 16 boul. Michelet
Saturday 19.11.1994 14:30 FRANCE Toulouse, Palais des Sports, Complexe Companf- Caffarelli, 1 rue du Canon d'Arcole
Monday 31.10.1994 19:00 GREECE Athens, Theatro Akropol, Ippokratous 9-11
Saturday 22.10.1994 16:00 FRANCE Gex, église paroissiale
Monday 10.10.1994 14:30 U. S. A. New York, St John's University, Jamaica, NY
Sunday 09.10.1994 16:00 U. S. A. New York, St John's University, Jamaica, NY
Saturday 08.10.1994 19:00 U. S. A. Manhasset, New York, St. Ignatius Retreat House
Wednesday 28.09.1994 19:00 U.K. London, The Friends Meeting House, 173-177 Euston Road
Tuesday 27.09.1994 18:30 U.K. Goring-by-Sea, Sussex, English Martyrs church, Goring Way
Monday 26.09.1994 19:00 U.K. Birmingham, St. Francis' church, Hunters Road, Handsworth
Saturday 10.09.1994 15:00 SWITZERLAND  Genève, Université, Auditoire Piaget, 24 rue du Général Dufour
Tuesday 19.07.1994 GREECE Rhodos Island
Sunday 26.06.1994 20:30 CANADA Ottawa, Ontario, Congrès Charismatique catholique d'Ottawa 1994
Sunday 26.06.1994 09:30 CANADA Ottawa, Ontario, Congrès Charismatique catholique d'Ottawa 1994
Saturday 25.06.1994 19:45 CANADA Ottawa, Ontario, Congrès Charismatique catholique d'Ottawa 1994
Friday 24.06.1994 20:30 CANADA Ottawa, Ontario, Congrès Charismatique catholique d'Ottawa 1994
Thursday 23.06.1994 21:00 CANADA Ottawa, Ontario, Congrès Charismatique catholique d'Ottawa 1994
Wednesday 22.06.1994 20:00 CANADA Toronto, Varsity Arena - Hockey ring
Tuesday 21.06.1994 CANADA Toronto
Monday 20.06.1994 CANADA Toronto
Sunday 19.06.1994 U. S. A. San Francisco
Saturday 18.06.1994 19:00 U. S. A. Stockton, CA, Cathedral of the Annunciation
Thursday 16.06.1994 U. S. A. South Carolina
Wednesday 15.06.1994 20:00 U. S. A. Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, University of Notre-Dame, Washington Hall
Tuesday 14.06.1994 19:00 U. S. A. Greensville, South Carolina, Palmetteo Exposition Center - Medjugorje Marian Information Center
Sunday 12.06.1994 17:00 U. S. A. Gaithersburg, Maryland
Saturday 11.06.1994 19:00 U. S. A. South Hadley, Massachussets, St Theresa's Church
Friday 10.06.1994 19:00 U. S. A. Waterbury, Connecticut, St Stanislaus Kostka Church
Saturday 28.05.1994 14:30 ITALIA Milano, Palasesto di Sesto San Giovanni, piazza 1°Maggio 1
Tuesday 17.05.1994 19:30 GREECE Athens, with Fr Michael O'Carroll, O.S.Sp
27 April- 4 May 1994 ROMANIA Iasi, World Council of Churches Congress on Christian Spirituality For Our Times
Thursday 21.04.1994 20:00 SWITZERLAND  Villeneuve, salle paroissiale de l'église catholique
Saturday 26.03.1994 15:00 POLSKA Poznañ, salle Arena
Friday 25.03.1994 18:00 POLSKA Chorzów (Katowice), Salle de Sport de l'Ecole Primaire
Thursday 24.03.1994 18:00 POLSKA Varsovie, église de la Mère de Miséricorde                
Thursday 17.03.1994 GERMANY Essen
Thursday 17.03.1994 20:00 SWITZERLAND  Villeneuve, salle paroissiale de l'église catholique
Saturday 12.03.1994 FRANCE Laval
Sunday 13.02.1994 15:00 PUERTO RICO Santa Montaña, San Lorenzo, with Bishop Enrique Hernandez - miracle of the sun
Saturday 12.02.1994 13:30 PUERTO RICO Manatí, Parque Acrópolis Deportivo Manatí
Wednesday 09.02.1994 HAÏTI Haïti, Collège Saint Louis, avec les Evêques Mgr Louis Kebreau, Mgr Joseph Lafontan et le Nonce Apostolique
Monday 07.02.1994 MEXICO México, visit to Cardinal Corripio Ahumada + Mgr. Bishop Samuel Ruíz
Monday 07.02.1994 14:00 MEXICO México, Templo de San Juan de Lagos; Fr. Vassilio Penteridis
Monday 07.02.1994 10:00 MEXICO México, Templo de San Juan de Lagos
Saturday 05.02.1994 14:00 COLOMBIA Nabia (Zipaquirá), Coliseo Cubierto Parmenio Cárdenas, with Fr. Fernando Umaña Montoya + 16 other priests
Thursday 03.02.1994 17:00 ECUADOR Quito, Coliseo de la Pontificia Universidad Católica, with Fr. Julio Teran Dutari
Tuesday 01.02.1994 BRASIL Joinville (Santa Catarina), with 15 priests
Monday 31.01.1994 10:30 BRASIL São Paulo (SP), interview with TV Bandeirantes
Sunday 30.01.1994 18:40 BRASIL São Paulo (SP), Colégio B.Virgem Maria, with Dom Fernando A. Figueredo (S.Amaro)+Dom V.Tielbeek+26 priests
Saturday 29.01.1994 BRASIL Recife (PE), with Bishops Dom João Martins Terra (aux.of Recife)+Dom Macelo Carvacheira (Bish.of Guarolire)+26 priests
Thursday 27.01.1994 PORTUGAL Requião, Vila Nova de Famalicão, Fraternidade Missionária de Cristo-Jovem
Tuesday 25.01.1994 19:30 FRANCE Gex, église paroissiale
Friday 03.12.1993 SOUTH AFRICA Pretoria, Pretoria Maximum Security Prison Death Row
Thursday 02.12.1993 15:00 SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg, Cathedral of Christ the King, small farewell meeting
Wednesday 01.12.1993 19:30 SOUTH AFRICA Cape Town, The Church of the Most Holy Redeemer ("The Monastery"), Bergvliet Road, Bergvliet
Tuesday 30.11.1993 14:00 SOUTH AFRICA Durban, Durban High School Hall; Presentation by Fr. Clancy
Monday 29.11.1993 10:00 SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg, Cathedral Place, Saratoga Ave., Berea
Sunday 28.11.1993 19:30 SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg, Cathedral of Christ the King, Saratoga Ave., Berea
Saturday 27.11.1993 14:25 ZIMBABWE Harare, meeting in small church with several priests (questions-answers session)
Saturday 27.11.1993 12:00 ZIMBABWE Harare, meeting at Poor Clare Sisters
Friday 26.11.1993 ZIMBABWE Harare, Nazareth House
Friday 26.11.1993 10:00 MALAWI Blantyre, interview for Catholic Magazine
Friday 26.11.1993 09:00 MALAWI Blantyre, meeting with the Archbishop of Blantyre, Mgr James Chiona (at his house)
Thursday 25.11.1993 16:50 MALAWI Blantyre, Limbe Cathedral (with more than 30 priests)
Thursday 25.11.1993 09:00 MALAWI Lilongwe, Poor Clare Sisters
Wednesday 24.11.1993 17:30 MALAWI Lilongwe, St Patrick's Church in presence of Bishop Ziyayi + 20 priests
Wednesday 24.11.1993 12:00 ZAMBIA Lusaka Airport, TV interview
Wednesday 24.11.1993 10:00 ZAMBIA Lusaka, Press conference
Tuesday 23.11.1993 14:30 ZAMBIA Lusaka, Marian Shrine
Thursday 18.11.1993 20:00 SWITZERLAND  Villeneuve, salle paroissiale de l'église catholique
Saturday 06.11.1993 ITALIA Rome, Vaticano, Vassula remits True Life in God, polish translation, to John Paul II
Saturday 06.11.1993 16:00 ITALIA Roma, chiesa di Sant'Ignazio, via del Caravita (vicino a piazza Venezia)
Friday 05.11.1993 15:00 ITALIA Firenze, chiesa Corpus Domini, via Reims (presso Bagno Ripoli)
Thursday 04.11.1993 14:30 ITALIA Milano, chiesa di San Nazzaro, piazza San Nazzaro, (vicino a via F. Sforza)
Sunday 19.09.1993 RUSSIA Moscou, église des Saints Côme et Damien
Saturday 18.09.1993 RUSSIA Moscou, église russe
Friday 17.09.1993 RUSSIA Moscou
Thursday 16.09.1993 RUSSIA Moscou, 7 réunions en 6 jours du 14 au 19 septembre 1993
Wednesday 15.09.1993 RUSSIA Moscou, Dom Maria, TV: 90 min. témoignage Vassula
Wednesday 15.09.1993 RUSSIA Moscou, Dom Maria, réunion avec groupe d'évangélisateurs
Tuesday 14.09.1993 RUSSIA Moscou, Dom Maria, réunion avec groupe d'évangélisateurs
Tuesday 07.09.1993 20:30 FRANCE Paris, Salle de la Mutualité, 24 rue St Victor (avec Evêque du Burkina Faso + nombreux prêtres) 
Tuesday 07.09.1993 20:30 FRANCE Paris, Interview radio Vassula + Pères Laurentin & O'Carroll
Monday 06.09.1993 FRANCE Lorient, Centre Sportif
Sunday 05.09.1993 15:30 FRANCE Paris, Le Port Marly (Le Pecq, St-Germain-en Laye), Salle des Pyramides
Saturday 04.09.1993 14:30 NEDERLAND Heiloo, Kerk van Onze Liere Vrouw ter Nood, Kapellan 13, 1851 PE Heiloo
Friday 03.09.1993 DANMARK København, St Augustin church
Thursday 02.09.1993 18:00 SWEDEN Stockholm, Saint Erik Cathedral (Catholic), Folkungagatan 46, T-Bana Medborgarplatsen, Södermalm
Monday 26.07.1993 GREECE Rhodos, TV interview + broadcast (again on the next day)
Sunday 25.07.1993 GREECE Rhodos, TV interview
Monday 19.07.1993 GREECE Athens, Hotel Conference Room
Sunday 20.06.1993 10:00 PHILIPPINES Cubao, Quezon, Araneta Coliseum
Saturday 12.06.1993 15:00 U. S. A. Omaha, Nebraska, Omaha Civic Auditorium, 1804 Capitol Avenue
Wednesday 09.06.1993 14:00 CANADA Chicoutimi, Québec, église Notre-Dame de Grâce, Sydenham
Tuesday 08.06.1993 18:00 CANADA Québec, Qc, Patronage Roc-Amadour
Monday 07.06.1993 18:30 CANADA Edmonton, Alberta, University of Alberta, Van Vliet Centre, Butterdome, 115 St. & 87 Ave.
Sunday 06.06.1993 09:00 CANADA Winnipeg, Manitoba, "Thy Kingdom Come" CCRS Conference, Max Bell Centre, University of Manitoba
Sunday 30.05.1993 15:00 FRANCE Gex, église paroissiale
Saturday 22.05.1993 ISRAEL  Jerusalem, Armenian Patriarcate, meeting in presence of Archbishop David Sahagian
Friday 21.05.1993 ISRAEL  Bethlehem, Monastery of the Sisters of the Emmanuel
Wednesday 12.05.1993 ISRAEL  Tel-Aviv, pèlerinage du 12 au 23 mai avec un groupe du Canada Video
Wednesday 28.04.1993 19:30 U.K. Glasgow, Scotland, Boyd Orr Building, Theatre N°1, University Avenue
Tuesday 27.04.1993 19:30 U.K. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, St. Dominic's church, New Bridge Street
Monday 26.04.1993 19:00 U.K. Manchester, England, St. Augustine's church, Grosvenor Square (off Oxford Road)
Sunday 25.04.1993 16:30 U.K. Staplehurst, Kent, England, Exhurst Manor,
Friday 26.03.1993 19:30 U. S. A. Santa Clara, California, Santa Clara Mariott Hotel (Mission and College Blvd.)
Thursday 18.03.1993 20:00 SWITZERLAND  Villeneuve, salle paroissiale de l'église catholique
Sunday 14.03.1993 14:00 FRANCE Arles, Palais des Sports, Gymn.J.-F.Lamour, 115 Stalingrad ( Fr Michael O'Carroll+Père Curty)
Sunday 07.03.1993 13:30 SWITZERLAND  Heilgkreuz (St Gall), Dreifaltigkeits Kirche, Iddastrasse
Thursday 25.02.1993 20:30 PORTUGAL Lisboa, igreja do Sagrado Coração de Jesus
Wednesday 24.02.1993 20:30 PORTUGAL Evora, Igreja de São Francisco
Thursday 18.02.1993 20:00 SWITZERLAND  Villeneuve, salle paroissiale de l'église catholique
Friday 12.02.1993 MEXICO Guadalajara, JA, "Encuentro Grupo Reina"
Wednesday 10.02.1993 09:00 HAÏTI Port-au-Prince, visite de la Prison
Tuesday 09.02.1993 15:00 HAÏTI Port-au-Prince, Salle des Fêtes de Charité St. Louis
February 1993 MARTINIQUE
Saturday 06.02.1993 14:30 SWITZERLAND  Genève, Chapelle du Centre Œcuménique (Conseil Œcuménique des Eglises), 150 route de Ferney, 12018 Grand-Saconnex
Thursday 28.01.1993 20:00 SWITZERLAND  Villeneuve, salle paroissiale de l'église catholique
Sunday 24.01.1993 16:00 U. S. A. Notre Dame University, Indiana, Library Auditorium
Monday 18.01.1993 17:45 U. S. A. Sacramento, California, Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 Eleventh Street (11th and "K")
Sunday 17.01.1993 14:00 U. S. A. Los Angeles-Culver City, California, Robert Frost Auditorium, 4401 Elenda Street (off Overland)
Thursday 17.12.1992 20:00 SWITZERLAND  Villeneuve, salle paroissiale de l'église catholique
Friday 11.12.1992 19:30 AUSTRALIA  Canberwell, St Dominic's church, 816 Riverdale Road
Thursday 10.12.1992 19:30 AUSTRALIA  Adelaide, Croatian Club Hall, 15 Wood Avenue, Ridleyton SA 5008
Wednesday 09.12.1992 19:30 AUSTRALIA  Melbourne (Vic), St Mary Star of the Sea church, 33 Howard St.
Wednesday 09.12.1992 11:00 AUSTRALIA  Doncaster, St Gregory's church, 71 Williamson's Road
Tuesday 08.12.1992 19:30 AUSTRALIA  St Albans (Vic), Sacred Heart Church, 4 Winifred Street, St Albans Vic 3021
Monday 07.12.1992 19:30 AUSTRALIA  Bondi Beach, Sydney (NSW), St Anne's church, Mitchell St.
Monday 07.12.1992 12:30 AUSTRALIA  Sydney, St Patrick's church Undercroft, Grosvenor St.
Sunday 06.12.1992 14:00 AUSTRALIA  Merrylands, St Margaret Mary Parish Hall, 5 Chetwynd Road
Saturday 05.12.1992 14:30 AUSTRALIA  Annandale, St Brendan's church, Collins Street
Friday 04.12.1992 11:00 AUSTRALIA  Carina, Our Lady of Graces church, 100 Mayfield Road
Thursday 03.12.1992 19:30 AUSTRALIA  Brisbane (Queensland), Sherwood Room, Brisbane City Hall, Adelaide Street
Sunday 29.11.1992 PHILIPPINES Manille, 29 novembre 1992
Friday 27.11.1992 08:45 JAPAN Akita, International Marian Convention
Thursday 19.11.1992 20:00 SWITZERLAND  Villeneuve, salle paroissiale de l'église catholique
Sunday 08.11.1992 14:00 FRANCE Savigneux (Ars), salle polyvalente
Saturday 31.10.1992 15:00 FRANCE Versailles, église Ste Jeanne d'Arc
Friday 30.10.1992 20:00 FRANCE Paris, oratoire N-D de Fatima, boul. Sérurier 
Sunday 25.10.1992 ITALIA Rome, 25 octobre 1992
Tuesday 20.10.1992 RUSSIA Moscou, 20 octobre 1992
Friday 16.10.1992 RUSSIA Moscou, 16 octobre 1992
Sunday 11.10.1992 PORTUGAL Requião, Vila Nova de Famalicão, Fraternidade Missionária de Cristo-Jovem
Thursday 17.09.1992 20:00 SWITZERLAND  Villeneuve, salle paroissiale de l'église catholique
Saturday 05.09.1992 16:00 SWITZERLAND  Genève, Salle Paroissiale St François, rue Prévost-Martin 51
Saturday 08.08.1992 17:30 GREECE Rhodos, Santa Maria church, Odos M. Kathopouli 45
Saturday 18.07.1992 14:00 GERMANY Wallenhausen (bei Marienfried)
Thursday 16.07.1992 20:00 SWITZERLAND  Villeneuve, salle paroissiale de l'église catholique
Tuesday 07.07.1992 MEXICO Mazatlan
Tuesday 30.06.1992 CANADA Ottawa, 9 TV program recordings
Sunday 28.06.1992 CANADA Ottawa - Congress of Charismatic Renewal (6 000 people)
Saturday 27.06.1992 CANADA Ottawa - Congress of Charismatic Renewal (6 000 people)
Friday 26.06.1992 CANADA Ottawa - Congress of Charismatic Renewal (6 000 people)
Thursday 18.06.1992 20:00 SWITZERLAND  Villeneuve, salle paroissiale de l'église catholique
Saturday 13.06.1992 17:00 ITALIA Verona, chiesa dell'Instituto dei Passionisti Santa Maria delle Stelle, via Sezano 9 (da porta Vescova per Val Pantena)
Friday 12.06.1992 20:00 SWITZERLAND  Lausanne, Salle du Cazard, rue du Pré-du-Marché
Sunday 31.05.1992 15:30 U. S. A. Orchard Lake, Michigan, St Mary College Chapel, 3535 Indian Trail
Saturday 30.05.1992 19:00 U. S. A. Pontiac, Michigan, St.Vincent de Paul, 150E, Wide Track, 48058, Illinois/Michigan
Saturday 30.05.1992 16:00 U. S. A. Warren, Michigan, St. Cletus, 26244 Ryan Rd., 48091, Illinois/Michigan
Saturday 30.05.1992 10:00 U. S. A. Mt. Clemens, Michigan, St. Louis, 24415 Crocker Blvd., 48043
Friday 29.05.1992 19:30 U. S. A. Highland, Michigan, Church of the Holy Spirit, 3700 Harvey Lake Road, Highland
Thursday 28.05.1992 19:30 U. S. A. Livonia, Michigan, St Edith Parish, 15089 Newburgh Rd.,
Wednesday 27.05.1992 19:00 U. S. A. Wyandotte, Michigan, St Elisabeth's parish, 138 Goodell
Saturday 16.05.1992 14:00 SWITZERLAND  Porrentruy, Grande salle de l'Inter, allée des Soupirs 15
Saturday 09.05.1992 BELGIQUE Bruxelles, salle Saint-Michel du Collège des jésuites
Thursday 07.05.1992 20:00 SWITZERLAND  Villeneuve, salle paroissiale de l'église catholique
Sunday 03.05.1992 17:00 ITALIA Genova, Liceo dei Patri Barnabiti, via Maragliani
Saturday 02.05.1992 15:30 ITALIA Firenze, chiesa Corpus Domini, Via Reims
Wednesday 08.04.1992 U. S. A. Arizona
Saturday 28.03.1992 14:00 FRANCE Michelbach-le-Haut (Haut-Rhin), Foyer paroissial
Thursday 26.03.1992 ITALIA Rome, 21 - 26.3.92 - série de conférences avec Mgr Paolo Maria Hnilica
Saturday 21.03.1992 ITALIA Rome, 21 - 26.3.92 - série de conférences avec Mgr Paolo Maria Hnilica
Wednesday 18.03.1992 10:00 U. S. A. Hollywood, Florida, Hollywood Beach Hilton
Tuesday 17.03.1992 10:00 U. S. A. Hollywood, Florida, Hollywood Beach Hilton
Monday 16.03.1992 10:00 U. S. A. Hollywood, Florida, Hollywood Beach Hilton
Sunday 15.03.1992 10:00 U. S. A. Hollywood, Florida, Hollywood Beach Hilton
Friday 13.03.1992 13:00 U. S. A. Hollywood, Florida, Hollywood Beach Hilton
Thursday 12.03.1992 19:00 U. S. A. Hollywood, Florida, Hollywood Beach Hilton
Wednesday 11.03.1992 19:00 U. S. A. Hollywood, Florida, Hollywood Beach Hilton
Tuesday 10.03.1992 19:00 U. S. A. Hollywood, Florida, Hollywood Beach Hilton, 4000South Ocean Drive
Monday 09.03.1992 19:00 U. S. A. Hollywood, Florida, Hollywood Beach Hilton, 4000South Ocean Drive, (retreat with pilgrims from Canada)
Sunday 23.02.1992 U. S. A. New York
Monday 17.02.1992 U. S. A. New York
Saturday 15.02.1992 14:30 SWITZERLAND  Aigle, Maison de Paroisse, av. Glariers
Sunday 09.02.1992 16:00 FRANCE Nice, Hôtel Atlantic, 12 boul. Victor-Hugo
Sunday 09.02.1992 14:00 FRANCE Nice, Hôtel Atlantic, 12 boul. Victor-Hugo
Thursday 30.01.1992 ITALIA Gera Lario, 30 janvier 1992
Wednesday 29.01.1992 10:00 ITALIA Milano, Centro San Fedele, piazza S. Fedele
Tuesday 28.01.1992 15:00 ITALIA Milano, chiesa di S. Protaso
Sunday 26.01.1992 FRANCE Paris
Thursday 23.01.1992 SWITZERLAND  Genève, Crypte de l'Eglise St François de Sales, rue des Voisins
Thursday 23.01.1992 10:30 SWITZERLAND  Genève, Chapelle du Centre Œcuménique (Conseil Œcuménique des Eglises), 150 route de Ferney, 12018 Grand-Saconnex
Sunday 12.01.1992 U. S. A. Independence, Missouri, Franciscan Prayer Center (Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Eucharist), 2100 North Noland Road
Saturday 11.01.1992 U. S. A. Independence, Missouri, Franciscan Prayer Center (Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Eucharist), 2100 North Noland Road
Tuesday 10.12.1991 18:30 PHILIPPINES Bacolod, Carmelite Monastery
Thursday 05.12.1991 PHILIPPINES Manila
Friday 22.11.1991 19:00 IRELAND Cork City, St. Mary's of the Isle
Tuesday 19.11.1991 U.K. Belfast, Northern Ireland, King's Hall Octogonal Room
Monday 18.11.1991 19:30 IRELAND Dublin, National Stadium, S.C. Road
Monday 11.11.1991 20:00 U.K. Ilford, Essex (S.E. London)
Saturday 09.11.1991 14:00 U.K. Manchester, Medjugorje Centre
Thursday 07.11.1991 14:00 U.K. Timperley, Cheshire
Wednesday 06.11.1991 U.K. Strangeways Prison, Angleterre
Tuesday 05.11.1991 19:30 U.K. Manchester, Angleterre
Monday 04.11.1991 19:30 U.K. Bristol, St. Mary on the Quay
Sunday 03.11.1991 14:00 U.K. Balham, S.W. London
Saturday 02.11.1991 14:00 U.K. Coventry, St. Augustine's church, Heathcote St., Radford, Coventry Medjugorje Centre
Saturday 26.10.1991 13:30 SWITZERLAND  Geneva, Saint John XXIII English Speaking Centre, chemin Dr. Adolphe-Pasteur 35, 1209 Petit-Saconnex
Sunday 20.10.1991 15:00 BELGIQUE Bruxelles, salle Saint-Michel, Collège desJésuites, 24 boul. Saint Michel, 1040 Bruxelles
Saturday 19.10.1991 BELGIQUE Bruxelles
Saturday 12.10.1991 15:30 SWITZERLAND  Villeneuve, salle paroissiale de l'église catholique
Tuesday 08.10.1991 20:30 ITALIA Milano, chiesa di Santa Maria del Carmine, piazza Sta Maria del Carmine 2
Tuesday 08.10.1991 ITALIA Milano, chiesa San Vincente di Paoli
Monday 07.10.1991 SWITZERLAND  Genève, église St François de Sales, rue des Voisins
Saturday 05.10.1991 SWITZERLAND  Lens, 1 au 7 octobre 1991 - Retraite avec Pèlerins canadiens
Friday 04.10.1991 SWITZERLAND  Lens, 1 au 7 octobre 1991 - Retraite avec Pèlerins canadiens
Thursday 03.10.1991 SWITZERLAND  Lens, 1 au 7 octobre 1991 - Retraite avec Pèlerins canadiens
Wednesday 02.10.1991 SWITZERLAND  Lens, 1 au 7 octobre 1991 - Retraite avec Pèlerins canadiens
Tuesday 01.10.1991 SWITZERLAND  Lens, 1 au 7 octobre 1991 - Retraite avec Pèlerins canadiens
Sunday 29.09.1991 14:00 FRANCE Besançon, Festival de l'Espérance, Palais des Sports, Vassula et Myrna
Monday 15.07.1991 14:30 U. S. A. Independence, Sisters of St Francis of the Holy Eucharist, 2100 North Noland Road, Independence MO
Monday 15.07.1991 09:00 U. S. A. Kansas City, Clay County Detention Center, Liberty, MO
Sunday 14.07.1991 15:15 U. S. A. Pittsburgh, PA, Duquesne University Campus - Vassula address to Charismatic Congress 1991 Eastern Regional Conference on Apparitions
Saturday 13.07.1991 10:30 U. S. A. Pittsburgh, PA - Vassula attends to addresses Fr.Michael O'Carroll's & Fr.René Laurentin in Charismatic Congress
Saturday 29.06.1991 14:00 SWITZERLAND  Martigny, église Marie-Reine
Sunday 23.06.1991 ITALIA Pistoia, Toscana
Saturday 08.06.1991 ITALIA Milano, chiesa San Vincenzo de Paoli
Saturday 25.05.1991 14:00 SWITZERLAND  Martigny, église Marie-Reine
Saturday 18.05.1991 FRANCE Toulouse, église de l'Immaculée Conception
Friday 26.04.1991 CANADA Montréal, Province de Québec, Basilique de l'Oratoire St Joseph (messe concélébr. 10 prêtres)
Thursday 25.04.1991 CANADA Châteauguay, Province de Québec, église du Christ-Roi
Wednesday 24.04.1991 CANADA St Hyacinthe, Province de Québec, Pavillon Bourdage (Srs de St Joseph)
Tuesday 23.04.1991 19:30 CANADA St-Georges Est, Province de Québec, Complexe Sartigan, 500 - 163e rue
Sunday 21.04.1991 CANADA Québec, Province de Québec, Institut du Québec, église du Sacré-Cœur
Saturday 23.03.1991 14:00 SWITZERLAND  Martigny, église Marie-Reine
Wednesday 13.03.1991 20:00 IRELAND Athenry, Co. Galway (Gaillimh), Presentation College
Tuesday 12.03.1991 19:30 IRELAND Dublin, The College Theatre, Blackrock College (C.S.Sp.), Collegeville
Monday 11.03.1991 20:00 U.K. Belfast, parish Hall of St. Brigid's Church, Ashleigh Hall, 30 Windsor Ave.
Sunday 10.03.1991 14:00 U.K. Carfin, Motherwell (near Glasgow), Lanarkshire, Scotland, Church of St. Francis Xavier, Taylor Ave.
Wednesday 06.03.1991 19:30 U.K. Auchinleck, Ayrshire, Scotland, Roundshaw Cottage
Tuesday 05.03.1991 19:30 U.K. Manchester, England, St. Augustine's Church, Grosvenor Square, off xford st.
Monday 04.03.1991 19:30 U.K. York, England, All Saints Lower School, Nunnery Lane
Sunday 03.03.1991 15:00 U.K. Beckenham (Kent), Prince of Peace Community, 79 Fox Grove
Saturday 02.03.1991 20:00 U.K. Balham, London, England, Church of the Holy Ghost, 36 Nightingale Square
Saturday 23.02.1991 14:00 SWITZERLAND  Martigny, église Marie-Reine
Wednesday 20.02.1991 ITALIA Gera Lario, sanctuaire Notre Dame de Fatima
Sunday 27.01.1991 14:00 FRANCE Boust, Lorraine, église paroissiale
Saturday 26.01.1991 15:00 FRANCE Boust, Lorraine, crypte de l'église paroissiale
Saturday 19.01.1991 14:00 SWITZERLAND  Martigny, église Marie-Reine
Saturday 22.12.1990 14:00 SWITZERLAND  Notre Dame des Marches, Broc
Saturday 15.12.1990 FRANCE Albi, église Notre Dame de Drèche
Saturday 08.12.1990 14:00 FRANCE Marseille, salle Mazenod
Monday 26.11.1990 FRANCE Mazamet
Saturday 17.11.1990 15:15 SWITZERLAND  Notre Dame des Marches, Broc
Saturday 06.10.1990 15:00 SWITZERLAND  Notre Dame des Marches, Broc
Saturday 22.09.1990 ITALIA Milano, chiesa San Vincente di Paoli
Saturday 01.09.1990 15:00 SWITZERLAND  Sanctuaire du Christ-Roi, Lens
Sunday 26.08.1990 FRANCE Toulouse, église Ste Germaine
Saturday 21.07.1990 15:00 SWITZERLAND  Notre-Dame des Marches, Broc
Saturday 14.07.1990 FRANCE Auch, Toulouse
Saturday 16.06.1990 ITALIA Milan, chiesa San Vincente de Paoli
Saturday 09.06.1990 FRANCE Les Ulis, Paris, église du Centre Jean XXIII
Saturday 19.05.1990 15:00 SWITZERLAND  Sanctuaire du Christ-Roi, Lens
Saturday 28.04.1990 14:30 SWITZERLAND  Sanctuaire du Christ-Roi, Lens
Saturday 31.03.1990 15:00 SWITZERLAND  Saint Maurice, chapelle du Couvent des Capucins
Saturday 24.03.1990 11:00 ITALIA Torino, pilgrimage to Holy Shroud + chiesa S.Domenico, with groups from Nice (France) and Switzerland
Saturday 24.02.1990 19:00 SWITZERLAND  Sion, chapelle du Couvent des Capucins, av. St François 18
Sunday 11.02.1990 FRANCE Nice, église Ste Marie-Madeleine
Saturday 27.01.1990 19:00 SWITZERLAND  Martigny, chapelle de l'hôpital régional
Tuesday 02.01.1990 SWITZERLAND  Villars
Friday 22.12.1989 19:30 SWITZERLAND  Saint-Maurice, chapelle du couvent des Capucins
Saturday 25.11.1989 17:00 SWITZERLAND  Genève, chapelle de la Résidence Notre-Dame, 11 rue Plantamour
Friday 27.10.1989 19:30 SWITZERLAND  Delémont, chapelle du Centre Saint-François, rue du Vorbourg 4
Friday 15.09.1989 19:30 SWITZERLAND  Saint-Maurice, chapelle du couvent des Capucins
Friday 18.08.1989 19:30 SWITZERLAND  Caux (Montreux), chapelle catholique
Friday 14.07.1989 19:30 SWITZERLAND  Uebewil (Fribourg), Foyer "Les Joncs" (Soeurs du Bon Pasteur), route de Villars-les-joncs
Friday 09.06.1989 19:30 SWITZERLAND  Saint-Maurice, chapelle du couvent des Capucins
Friday 19.05.1989 19:30 SWITZERLAND  Martigny, salle N-D des Champs (salle paroissiale)
Friday 21.04.1989 19:30 SWITZERLAND  Saint-Maurice, chapelle du couvent des Capucins
Friday 31.03.1989 SWITZERLAND  Courtételle, Jura
Wednesday 22.03.1989 FRANCE Bidart (près de Biarritz), château d'Ilbarritz
Friday 17.03.1989 19:30 SWITZERLAND  Lausanne, Salle des Vignerons (Gare centrale)
Friday 17.02.1989 19:30 SWITZERLAND  Lausanne, Salle des Vignerons (Gare centrale)
Monday 16.01.1989 SWITZERLAND  Geneva, Meeting with HE Metropolite Damaskinos Papandreou at the Ecumenical Centre of the World Council of Churches - (Conseil Œcuménique des Eglises), 150 route de Ferney, 1218 Grand-Saconnex
Friday 13.01.1989 19:30 SWITZERLAND  Martigny, salle N-D des Champs (salle paroissiale)

Friday 16.12.1988 19:30 SWITZERLAND  Lausanne, Salle des Vignerons (Gare centrale)
Tuesday 22.11.1988 SWITZERLAND  Pully (Lausanne), réunion au domicile de Vassula
Saturday 05.11.1988 SWITZERLAND  Pully (Lausanne), réunion au domicile de Vassula
Tuesday 16.02.1988 SWITZERLAND  Pully (Lausanne), réunion au domicile de Vassula

Updated : 2023-12-09 11:20
Creation : 1998-06-14 13:00
Association La Vraie Vie en Dieu - Suisse


Courtesy NASA (public domain) Network

Vassula's meetings











Vassula Rydén is Greek, born in Egypt, and belongs to the Greek Orthodox Church. Back in 1985, while she was living in Bangladesh, God approached her  in a most extraordinary way to use her as His instrument and charge her with His messages for all mankind. In truth it is a reminder of His Word. In these messages for our times, God is calling us to repentance, reconciliation, peace and unity.

In the very beginning of God's intervention Vassula was totally confused and feared she was being deluded; this uncertainty was truly her biggest cross, since she never heard in her life before that God can indeed express Himself to people in our own times. Because of this she feared and tried to fight her experience away, but instead of diminishing, God approached her even more intensively. As the sacred communication progressed there was perceptible change as Vassula grew in faith, knowledge and love of God. Her need to seek reassurance lessened, she became more comfortable in this unusual role which in turn allowed fuller statements from her divine visitor.

The principle motive throughout is the divine love of Jesus expressed in the bridal terms, characteristic of mysticism, but manifested as an effulgence, an outpouring of the ineffable love of Christ. The fact that Vassula, without ever having received any catechetical instruction, let alone theological formation, is able to write about such profound spiritual matters without committing any errors, is itself a powerful confirmation of the authenticity of her messages.

Since 1988 Vassula Ryden has been invited to speak in more than 60 countries and has given over 800 presentations. Vassula receives in all of this work no personal royalties, fees or benefit for her efforts. So far the books have been translated into more than 40 languages. They are written in such a clear and direct language that anyone of reading age can understand them. At the same time their content is so rich and profound that brilliant theologians have been inspired to write books about the spirituality of the messages. God himself has chosen to name these divine messages: True life in God. Wherever she is invited, whether in Asia, the Americas, Australia, Africa or Europe, she is welcomed by crowds of people of all ages from every imaginable social class and milieu, both Christian and non-Christian. Among those who come to hear her testimony are not only lay people, but also their spiritual leaders and hierarchy. Also other religions, like the Israeli Jews invited her, as well as the Buddhist monks of Hiroshima and of Bangladesh to give her testimony. The attendance of her meetings has reached up to 400'000 people and among them, in some countries there could be Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and Jews.

She was invited at 3 occasions to speak on unity in the World Council of Churches of Geneva and once in Romania in Iasi at a meeting called : "Unity and renewal, consultation and Christian spirituality for our times." In 1998 and 2001 the United Nations in New York, a section based on Peace in the World, working specifically between Jews and Palestinians, invited Vassula Ryden to address them and repeat what our Lord says to us in the messages to obtain peace in the world. In 2001 she was invited among other speakers by the International Bridgettine Centre of Farfa to speak on Ecumenism and Spirituality.

Since May 2002, Vassula Ryden was invited to inter-religious meetings to give her testimony. The first one was held in Dhaka where the opening was done by a Muslim Imam.

After that she was invited by the Archbishop of Taipei Joseph Ti-Kan to give her speech to non-Christians. Vassula's speeches on reconciliation and unity started to be known and appreciated among non-Christian. In February 2003 she was invited by the Venerable Suddhananda in his monastery in Dhaka to honour her with the Peace Gold Award for her efforts of propagating peace in the world. She was nominated for this peace award by the Buddhist monks as a distinguished personality in recognition of her great contribution and her efforts for establishing inter-religious harmony and promoting world Peace among all peoples and faiths. The function was inaugurated by Rev. Michael Rozario, Archbishop of the Catholic church in Dhaka. Among other guests was the Secretary of the Apostolic Nuncio in Dhaka, as well as Muslim Professors from various regions of Bangladesh and from the four major religions, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus.

In Scriptures it is written that faith without good works is quite dead. The fruits of True Life in God are not only the conversion of the heart but the good works the readers have begun. After experiencing our Lady in a vision, Vassula was asked by her to feed the poor as well for spiritual food was not enough.

Since then, many houses called Beth Miriam (house of Mary) started to function from the friends of the messages to feed the poor. Those houses are progressing to have schooling as well for the poor children. There are now There are now many worldwide - in Egypt, Bangladesh, the Holy Land, multiple in the Philippines, Venezuela and Brazil, an orphanage in Kenya and help is given as well to 600 Buddhist orphans in Dhaka.


Grecque née en Egypte, Vassula Rydén appartient à l'Eglise Grecque-Orthodoxe. En 1985, alors qu'elle vivait au Bangladesh, Dieu l'a approchée d'une manière extraordinaire afin de l'utiliser comme Son instrument et lui confier Ses messages pour toute l'humanité. C'est véritablement un rappel de Sa Parole. Dans ces messages pour notre époque, Dieu nous appelle au repentir, à la réconciliation, à la paix et à l'unité.

Au tout début de l'intervention de Dieu, Vassula fut très troublée, craignant d'être trompée; cette incertitude fit vraiment sa plus grande croix, elle qui, de toute sa vie, n'avait jamais entendu dire que Dieu pouvait effectivement S'exprimer à des personnes de notre époque. A cause de cela, elle eut peur et essaya de repousser cette expérience; mais au lieu de diminuer, Dieu S'approcha d'elle encore plus intensément. Alors que la communication sacrée se poursuivait, il se produisait chez Vassula un progrès perceptible dans sa foi, sa connaissance et son amour de Dieu. Son besoin de chercher à se rassurer diminua, et elle acquit de l'assurance dans ce rôle inhabituel, ce qui permit à son divin visiteur de préciser Ses instructions.

Le motif principal de cette communication céleste est l'amour divin de Jésus exprimés dans les termes sponsaux caractéristiques du mysticisme, mais manifestés comme un effusion, un jaillissement de l'amour ineffable du Christ. Le fait que Vassula, sans avoir jamais reçu d'instruction de catéchisme, encore moins de formation théologique, soit capable d'écrire sur des matières spirituelles aussi profondes sans commettre la moindre erreur, est en soi une puissante confirmation de l'authenticité de ses messages.

Depuis 1988, Vassula Rydén a été invitée à témoigner dans 60 pays et a donné plus de 700 conférences. Vassula ne reçoit aucune rétribution ni avantage matériel pour ses efforts. Traduite en 40 langues, son oeuvre est écrite dans un langage clair et direct que chacun peut comprendre. Cependant, le contenu des messages est si riche et profond que plusieurs éminents théologiens ont été amenés à écrire des ouvrages sur leur spiritualité. C'est le Seigneur Lui-même qui a choisi de nommer cette oeuvre "La Vraie Vie en Dieu".

Où qu'elle soit invitée à témoigner, en Asie, en Amérique, en Afrique ou en Europe, Vassula Rydén est accueillie par des foules de tous âges, de toutes conditions sociales et de tous milieux, tant Chrétiens que non-Chrétiens. Ceux qui viennent écouter son témoignage sont non seulement des laïcs, mais également les chefs spirituels et membres de leur hiérarchie. Elle a également été invitée à donner son témoignage par des représentants d'autres religions comme les Israélites, les moines Bouddhistes d'Hiroshima et du Bangladesh. L'affluence à ses réunions a parfois atteint jusqu'à 150'000 personnes parmi lesquelles des Musulmans, des Hindous, des Bouddhistes et de Israélites.

Vassula a été invitée à trois reprises à témoigner au Conseil Oecuménique des Eglises à Genève ; elle a également été invitée à Iasi, en Roumanie, au Symposium "Unité et Renouveau - Consultation sur la spiritualité chrétienne en notre temps". En 1998 et en 2001, le département de l'ONU "Paix dans le Monde", oeuvrant tout particulièrement pour la paix entre Juifs et Palestiniens, invita Vassula à témoigner aux Nations-Unies, à New York, de ce que dit notre Seigneur dans La vraie vie en Dieu pour obtenir la paix dans le monde. En 2001, Vassula Rydén fut invitée parmi d'autres orateurs à témoigner au Symposium sur l'Oecuménisme et la Spiritualité tenu au Centre International de Farfa. Depuis mai 2002, Vassula a été invitée à donner son témoignage dans plusieurs rencontres inter-religieuses. La première, qui se tenait à Dacca, fut ouverte par un Imam Musulman. Puis elle fut invitée par l'Archevêque de Taïpeh Joseph Ti-Kan pour donner son témoignage devant des non-Chrétiens. Les discours de vassula sur la réconciliation et l'unité ont commencé à être connus et appréciés parmi les non-Chrétiens.

En février 2003, Vassula Rydén fut invitée par le Vénérable Suddhananda dans son monastère de Dacca pour lui décerner la Médaille d'Or de la Paix pour ses efforts pour promouvoir la paix dans le monde. Lors de l'attribution de cette médaille, Vassula fut déclarée personnalité éminente en reconnaissance de sa grande contribution et de ses efforts pour établir l'harmonie inter-religieuse et pour la Paix mondiale parmi tout les peuples de toutes croyances. La cérémonie fut inaugurée par le Révérend Michael Rozario, Archevêque de l'Eglise Catholique à Dacca. Parmi les invités, se trouvaient le Secrétaire du Nonce apostolique à Dacca, ainsi que des professeurs de différentes régions du Bangladesh, tant Musulmans que Chrétiens, Bouddhistes et Hindous.

Nous pouvons lire dans l'Ecriture que sans les bonnes oeuvres, la foi est vaine. Les fruits de La Vraie Vie en Dieu chez les lecteurs ne sont pas seulement la conversion du coeur, mais également les bonnes oeuvres qu'ils ont entreprises. Au cours d'une vision, la Vierge Marie avait demandé à Vassula de nourrir les pauvres non seulement spirituellement mais également matériellement. Depuis lors, pour nourrir les pauvres, plusieurs maisons appelées Beth Myriam (maison de Marie) ont été fondées par des amis de La Vraie Vie en Dieu. Ces maisons se développent pour fournir aux enfants démunis également un enseignement scolaire. Quatre Beth Myriam fonctionnent au Brésil, trois au Venezuela, deux aux Philippines, une en Egypte, une au Bangladesh, une en Terre Sainte, un orphelinat au Kenya, et une aide est apportée à 600 orphelins Bouddhistes à Dacca.